The most dominant problem addressed in the case that Haier is facing is that it lacks of brand popularity in the global market, comparing to its direct competitors such as Whirlpool, GE appliances, and Electrolux. Even though Haier made its effort to amplify its brand image and popularity globally by making a bid to acquire Maytag Corporation yet did not succeed, it is still difficult for Haier to enter the high-end segment of the US white goods market. According to statistics from Euromonitor, Haier’s 2013 market shares in consumer appliances segment in the North American and Western European markets were 0.9% and 0.5% respectively, which are significantly lower than Whirlpool’s, one of Haier’s major competitors in the U.S. and Europe, …show more content…
Moreover, a Haier Brothers cartoon series featuring the two brothers became one of the most popular programs on TV among Chinese kids who were born in the end of last century (Wang, 2008). Success of the cartoon series not only planted Haier’s brand image in Chinese children’s minds, but also became a mean of promoting Haier’s organizational culture: Altruism, by endowing Haier brothers great spirits of giving, comprehension, and never stop seeking for knowledge (Wang, 2008).
The success of the cartoon series can be transferred to foreign market as well. By introducing its own mascot to the foreign consumers in any of its sales campaigns and promotion events, or even make it the theme in Haier’s retailor store, Haier would be able to amplify its brand image and be easily recognized in the competitive home appliances market.
Alternative strategy 3: Cross-Border M&A.
As mentioned above, even though the U.S. government has strong opposition on foreign firms’ acquisitions of American national firms, cross-boarder merging and acquisition is always one of the best ways to quickly enter a foreign market (Textbook). Haier attempted to acquire Maytag in 2005 but then withdrew for unknown reason. Maytag was later bought by Whirlpool in 2006; and after the acquisition, Whirlpool surpassed Electrolux to become the world’s largest home appliances manufacture (Wikipedia); the benefits of acquisition are obvious. By acquiring
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Nike was founded by Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight. The two men met when Bowerman was coaching track and field at the University of Oregon and Knight was a middle distance runner on his team. After earning an MBA from Standford, Knight returned to Oregon and approached Bowerman with an idea to bring in low priced, high-tech athletic shoes from Japan to compete in the United States athletic shoe market. With a handshake and a five hundred dollar investment by both men, Blue Ribbon Sports was born in 1964. BRS began importing shoes from Onitsuka Tiger, with Knight making sales at high school track meets and Bowerman
Lastly, the cancellation of high visibility events may have been due to the determination that cost was not yielding substantial sales or visibility. Despite this fact, it stands to reason that a store manager would inform a regional manager of any choices having a broader impact to the overall company. If there was a lack of communication here, I believe it is to the detriment of the store manager’s credibility.
Advantages of Doing Business in China: As mentioned previously, there are many organizations around the whole world that perform their business in China. They do business in China due to the fact that China has a reliable market. It is also expected that the organizations doing business in China will continue to grow. Some advantages of doing business in China are that it is a major emerging market around the world. Also there are a lot of opportunities for organizations to invest in China for a longer period of time due to expanding of technology and
Whirlpool is the world’s largest producer and marketer of small and large home appliances such as mixers, food processors, washing machines, refrigerators, air conditioners, etc. Whirlpool also has a long standing relationship with Sears, which sells Whirlpool products under the brand name Kenmore. In addition to its North American presence (both manufacturing and sales), Whirlpool also has a strong presence in Mexico, and Europe. Being the largest producer in the world has helped Whirlpool to compete on lower costs through economies of scale and through its Global Procurement Organization (GPO). In addition, its large networks also help in
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In chess you know the pieces but you can’t see into the other person’s mind. In negotiation you don’t necessarily know the ‘pieces’. You have to discover and develop your own pieces and find ways of uncovering your counterparts’.” The Essentials of Job Negotiations, (2011)
Haiser entered into overseas markets as a contract manufacturer for multinational brands in early 1990s. First exported products to UK, then Germany, France and Italy. It also establisted joint ventures to explore the foreign markets; i.e. established a JV with Mitsubishi to set up China’s largest AC (“air conditioners”) production plant in 1994, in 1995 set up a JV with a local firm in India to produce refrigerators and ACs, in 1997 establised a JV with a Yugoslav company in Belgrade to produce ACs.
The main differences between Matsushita and Sony’s products are that, Matsushita product line is more involved in the household appliances market as it is the world leader in this category, while Sony strives to be the globe’s technological leader and has a product line that is driven by advanced consumer electronics. “While companies such as Matsushita concentrates on being customer intimate, Sony has differentiated itself by focusing on product leadership.” Matsushita is the largest home appliances and household equipment (HAHE) producer in the world. Some of Matsushita’s products include: microwave ovens, refrigerators, irons, fax machines, air compressors, automatic washers and dryers, vacuum cleaners, air
Haier is a Chinese electronical appliances producer and it decided to take a 20 per cent stake in Fisher & Paykel Appliances Company (F&P) which is a New Zealand company. According to their agreement, besides the stake, Haier will also take two seats on F&P’s board and also they will cooperate in various business functions, including product development, sourcing, manufacturing and marketing. This action brought win-win situation to both companies. For Haier, unlike its domestic acquisition strategy, this alliance strategy enabled access to well established
When you look around at your work space, do you see a cultural difference? Many companies like Google and Facebook are ran by a very diverse group of individuals. In fact it is mandated by law for companies to encourage diversity. This branch of jurisdiction is called the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, or EEOC. “The EEOC has the authority to investigate acts of discrimination in every aspect of employment.”
Haier’s strategy is product innovation combined with supply chain innovation. The firm is the number-one white-goods producer in China and has achieved