Hairwoman has wavy, but nappy black and orange hair. Mr. Neck is grouchy and seems as if he has PTSD. Mr. Freeman is not attractive, a crease in his nose, and has a grasshopper body with long legs like a stilt-walking circus guy. Her spanish teacher seems like she likes to have fun, and isn’t very good at charades. She wants to get the kids going and has a different style of teaching.
Violet Duran being a protagonist of the novel “Feed” by M.T Anderson stood out the most. To me she wasn't just some girl, she was different. titus was drawn to her and from the minute him and his friends started talking to her at the moon, they noticed she wasn't like them. Violet had her feed implanted in her brain when she was seven years old due to her parent’s financial situation. She is also home schooled by her father who is a professor who teaches the dead language. Both her parents didn't have the feed and were even hesitated about getting it for Violet. Until Violets father figured it was necessary for his daughter due to the generation she was going to grow up in and because of the job interview. He stated “Then one day, when
In a small town named Bundlebourough, there was a small, evil-mannered, faction within the town. They did many things that seemed trivial at the time, but eventually ended up having a very big impact on the town. Although they did not conjure up an evil army from the dead, they had many other natural methods to cause their town’s current government to crumble. They caused the entire prodigious group of men who ran the town to be overthrown! First, in order to dissemble their persona, they pretended to represent an uncommon religion called “destructivism.” They then made a covenant with each other to never reveal the true name and purpose of their group.
Nurse Ratched attempts to sway Billy away from his newfound path in order to regain control over the ward. McMurphy and Nurse Ratched’s rivalry is a constant and intense battle. “And we’re all sitting there… watching the gray screen just like we could see the baseball game clear as day, and she’s ranting and screaming behind us. If somebody’d of come in and took a look… a fifty-year old woman hollering and squealing at the back of their heads about discipline and order and recriminations, they’d of thought the whole bunch was crazy as loons” (144-145). No matter how hard Nurse Ratched tries to control McMurphy, he does not conform to her rule. Though Nurse Ratched controls the television and does not allow the patients to watch the World Series,
The first student that I conducted the lesson with was a girl I named Shiloh. Shiloh was an eight-year girl that was in the second grade, but would be entering in the third grade in the coming Fall. Her mother explained that she was an ESOL level two student. She was born in America, but both parents are Hispanic. The father is Cuban and the mother is from Venezuela. At home Shiloh’s family mainly communicates in Spanish. Shiloh’s mother explained that she wanted her daughter to speak Spanish at home because she does not want her to not learn Spanish or forget “where she comes from.” As I learned in TSOL I many parents do this this because they do not want their child
Cory is naturally brilliant at sports due to his father skills. In his early years Troy played baseball as a result, Cory is now playing football. He was fantastic at playing football, same as his father was at playing baseball. That is why he was recruited. According to the reading Cory says “coach Zellman say the recruiter going be coming by to talk to you”(35). Cory was excellent at football, much like his dad at baseball. In order to be recruited he has to be skilled and get excellent grades. According to the reading Cory says, “I get good grades, Pop. That’s why the recruiter wants to talk with you. You got to keep up your grades to get recruited. This way I’ll be going to college”(36). He was a respectable student that received excellent
In the novel a bridge to wiseman's cove by james maloney carl matt a teenage boy called carl matt overcomes hardship fears and issues such as belonging body image and family. These themes help carl grow as an individual person and benefit him and helps him develop as a positive sense of self he finds people he can proudly call a family feels he belongs to the duncans and the barge and faces his fears and shame of his body and appearance. His values and attitude wishes and expectation alter significantly.after reading the novel you see how much carl has changed as a person and feels as he fits in wattel beach and is no longer an outcast as he is perceived earlier in the novel.
The incursion could occur any second. In order to terminate the buggers from striking planet Earth again, the world is in great desideratum of a Battle Commander who is capable of helping humanity survive. The fate of the world is in the hands of either Ender Wiggin or Bean. Bean or Ender would be best for the role of Battle Commander due to their flexibility in thinking, faculty to listen to others, and their ingenuity, creativity, and originality.
Hemorrhages- Last Saturday night, his uncle died in a horrible car wreck, which caused his fatal hemorrhage, but luckily no one else was injured
The school does not have offer an ESL program and there aren’t any teachers who speak Spanish that they can communicate with. There are many times that having a Spanish speaker assist in instruction would benefit one specific student. This student struggles to communicate what he is trying to say. There have been multiple times my cooperating teacher just nods or agrees because she cannot decode what he is saying. In the case, a translator would be beneficial to support him and help him communicate. I have heard the students use their L1 during lunch with other Spanish speaking students. In the 6th grade social studies class, the teacher tries her best to decode what this student is saying. She gives him plenty of wait time, and will reword what he is saying to help make sense of it for the rest of the class. She will also ask him for clarification by asking him a question regarding his answer. It is obvious the student appreciates this teacher’s support. He gets very excited when she is able to rephrase what he is saying to make sense. Seeing the excitement in this student’s eyes is very rewarding. I think it is essential for these students to have these moments of
My daughter, Mellanie Cruz, is currently attending Olive Street School. During the 2015-2016 school year, she was enrolled as a pre-kindergarten in Mrs. Gutierrez class. For the next school year, I would like Mellanie to attend her class as a kindergartener. I feel having Mellanie attend Mrs. Gutierrez class for the new school year will reduce a lot of back to school anxiety that may arise being in a new environment since she already feels comfortable with that teacher. One thing that I really appreciate about Mrs. Gutierrez as a teacher is the communication she has with us as parents. Anything whether it is positive, negative, or any concerns she may have, she is open with us and is of help in any way she can be. At this time, I would like
Propaganda Effects on the Animals in Animal Farm The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines propaganda as the spreading of ideas for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person. In the novel Animal Farm, by George Orwell, propaganda is the main focus of the book. The animal leaders of the Animal Farm, Squealer and Napoleon, abused their powers to become avid propagandist to the working class animals on the farm.
Social class differences were a major contributor to the story line and the lasting effect of Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations. Social classes has a broad set of criteria that the majority of people think determines class. Dickens uses class differences for various reasons but most importantly, he uses them to show how he felt about those differences. Additionally, the fact that the differences that Dickens displays in the book are similar to today's class variations, makes Great Expectations and its theme of class, influential to this day. Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations perfectly illustrates the Victorian era’s class differences and shows where Dickens compassions laid.
My person that I interviewed is very unique besides being a very good teacher. She had received the honor of being selected ‘Teacher of the Year” a few years back here at Perkins County Schools (Grant, NE), so I knew her methods and strategies were tried and true. She has several different hats in our school system with English Language Learner (ELL) being just one part. She was asked to work with/for me in this program with our high school ELL students while I concentrated on Elementary and Middle School. She is in charge of the district’s Speech department which has also had great success. Finally, she is the school’s Spanish teacher, and a very good one. I have
Day of the Dead is a Mexican holiday celebrated throughout Mexico. This holiday is a day to remember friends or family members who have died and prepare special foods in honor of those people. It is believed that the spirit of the dead visit their families on October 31, and leave on November 2. Day of the Dead has its origins in Aztec traditions honoring the dead.
Regarding the English teacher, she has utter freedom in what and how to teach. Nevertheless, she tries to plan the lessons with the main teacher to try to present the learners similar vocabulary in Spanish and in English. The aim of the institution is that students can approach to English in a friendly and positive atmosphere. Regarding the group I have been observing, it is integrated by 12 learners, aged 3 and 4 years old.