
Haiti Social Factors

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Haiti's has several factors that contributes to its overall fragility. These factors are: a weak Social Contract, the Government lack of capacity, and its environmental (geopolitical) location.
The weak Social Contract factor plays the most severe role due to several reasons, first, the debt Haiti was forced to pay in order to be recognized internationally immediately prevented any sort of rebuilding measures from taking place in addition to this, the freed Haitians lacked resources and did not have sufficient time to solve or to rebuild the institutions that remained at the start of their newfound freedom; secondly, the colonialism practices that were used permeated throughout Haiti’s institutions’, and delayed/student a sound social government …show more content…

This driver is statebuilding oriented because Haiti never was given a fair opportunity to establish/ rebuild itself; the indemnity financially shackled the state from developing and nurturing its institutions; “The government was forced to redirect all economic [development] activity to repay it” (Ives pp. 13-17).This prevented the Haitian government from being able to fulfill services, create employment, centralize economics, increase development, establish a sound taxation system, create justice, build and improve its institutions and create a legitimate authority. This driver also threatens peacebuilding efforts the most as a result of the weak infrastructures and institutions violence can easily arise out of miscommunication between individuals and national officials which often time leads to political demonstrations and further creates a barrier for the establishment of a cohesive Social …show more content…

This is also a statebuilding oriented in the sense that one of the integral role of the Government is to provide means of employment for its citizens, by creating jobs, services and by creating and managing a solid taxation system (Phillips, pp. 6-10). Haiti has not reached the level where it can remove its masses out of poverty, more than 50% of the population obtain capital through Haiti’s informal markets. This further undermines the role of the Government (Ives,

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