
Half Dome Pros And Cons

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There appears to be three different veiws on climbing to the top of the Half Dome. Half Domes is a granite rock, 4,800 feet high and resembles a bowling ball cut into half. Half Domes is location in Marposa Calit and until cables were installed in 1919 was considered inaccessible. Now novice climbers can reach the top and are rewarded with aspiring views. The first view is by the park officals. The main concern is hiker safety. The The park wants people to be able to desens the rock in 45 minutes. They post signs telling people if a storm is imminent, however people flout the warning signs and continue to the top. In the past, up to 1,200 hikers a day climbed to the top and getting off the mountain was slow and difficult. In 2011 the park

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