DESCRIPTIVE SPEECH Tanner, Sarah Communication Studies 105 T/Th 8:00am Halloween INTRODUCTION: Attention Getter: ( The Nightmare Before Christmas movie clip) Central Idea: Halloween is a holiday with many traditions that date back thousands of years. Credibility Statement: I grew up in a very strict, religious household and I was not allowed to celebrate Halloween, which is probably what led to my rebellious love for this haunted holiday. Preview Statement: First, I will go into detail about the origins of Halloween. Then, I will talk about how the origins translate into our current Halloween traditions. Lastly, I will talk about safety precautions that must be taken on this holiday. BODY: I. First, let’s look at the origins of Halloween. A. …show more content…
In the 2002 book, Halloween: From Pagan Ritual to Party Night, author Nicholas Rogers points out, “ Halloween is commonly thought to have pagan origins, even though the etymology is Christian. Halloween is, quite literally, the derivative of All Hallow Even, or the eve of All Saints’ Day (1 November). Taken together with All Souls’ Day, which falls on 2 November, it is a time assigned in the Christian calendar for honoring the saints and newly departed.” 1. The name All Hallow Even has evolved over time, it eventually became Hallowe’en, and then to what we know the holiday now as: Halloween. 2. Halloween was a day to celebrate the deceased, followed by a time to pray for them. B. Halloween also comes from the sacred Celtic festival, Samhain. 1. On the eve of Samhain, the Celts believed the dead, both ghosts and demons, were allowed to roam free. 2. TRANSITION: Now that we know where Halloween came from, let’s talk about how these origins translate into current Halloween traditions. II. Now, I will explain how our American Halloween traditions, such as dressing up, trick-or-treating, and carving jack-o-lanterns, came to
Halloween is an appreciation of the afterlife and the survival after death. Literal meaning is the night before All Hallows' Day (aka All Saints' Day). Day of the Dead is the remembrance and celebration of friends and family who are dead.
The fear of Halloween can stem from a dislike or fear of the holiday's history. The root word of samhainophobia is Samhain, which is a Celtic word meaning summer’s end. They celebrated Samhain with huge bonfires where crops and animals were sacrificed. The Celts believed that on Samhain the veil between the land of the living and dead was thin, which allowed for ghost, spirits, and the devil himself to pass through to the land of the living. It was also believed the Druids-the Celts priest-could predict the future on Samhain. The Celts wore costumes both as disguises and for performing the sacrifices at the bonfires. Eventually Rome conquered the
Introduction: Patrons of the season of Halloween spend over $2.5 billion dollars every year on candy, costumes, and decorations. Every year millions of kids get dressed up, knock on doors, and beg for candy. Have you ever wondered where this strange tradition originated? The three most important points of Halloween can be summed up by looking at its origins, how it came to include jack-o-lanterns and bobbing for apples, and how it is celebrated today with trick-or-treating and haunted houses.
Halloween is believed to come from Celtic rituals. The Celts lived over 2000 years ago, and were found in the United Kingdom, Ireland, and France. The Celts celebrated
C. Thesis Statement: Going from what the meaning of Halloween is in America today and looking back at it’s roots, it has evolved dramatically. And just recently we have been seeing a comeback from one of those roots, but do we know it’s real cultural significance?
Most Christians I think it’s fair to say cringe at the thought of Halloween? But, who ever said that it has to be an evil time for them or those who visit there house for candy on that night? With the right purpose and motive it can actually be a very fun and exciting night! Helping to take it back from those who think it is just plain evil, at least for ourselves to begin with. Maybe, it’s because somehow so few have been educated on halloween’s history. Or the history of witches and witchcraft in our Country and around the world. Why, is it that so many attach or try to attach witches with Halloween? Witches have been seen in books and movies as ugly, evil and cruel! They were never suppose to be people that were role models to our childen. Or ones they wanted to dress like or imitate in any way. “On Oct 31st most people will simply ignore the dark side of Halloween. The vast majority of the population will dress up in costumes, go to parties and eat candy without ever even considering where the holiday came from or what certain people are doing behind closed doors on that night. “ The history of Halloween can be traced back to the ancient Celtic pagan celebration called Samhain (pronounced “sah-win”). Samhain, it ‘s origin’s come from pagan celebrations where witchcraft was performed and sacrifices were made that occurred on Halloween night. The night before All
The catholic, mexican holiday, Day of the Dead and the very westernized holiday Halloween may seem very alike with their traditions and themes, but in retrospect, they are very different and have very different origins. Halloween and Day of the Dead happen at the same time, end of October and beginning of November. The background of these two holidays are very spiritual and they have an interesting story of how the Halloween and day of the dead was created. In this essay, I will be talking about the how Halloween and Day of the Dead are celebrated , the origins of Day of the Dead and Halloween, and decorations and celebrations of Day of the Dead and Halloween. Both Day of the Dead and Halloween deal with spooky traditions but they are very different than the stereotypical thought that they are just weird, scary holidays but after reading some background to these two holidays, many people realize there is a lot more to Halloween and Day of the Dead.
Transition: With all holidays come celebrations, let’s talk about the festivities that helped shape Halloween today.
First is the history of Halloween all according to a 2017 article from LiveScience by Benjamin Radford. Around 2,000 years ago in the United Kingdom Ireland, and the northern part of France the people called the Celts started this holiday. They called it Samhain back then instead of Halloween. November 1st marked their new year which resulted in them celebrating on October 31st. The New Year brought wintertime which to them meant death. On the night before winter which was October 31st, they believe that the spirits of the Dead came back. They wore costumes, put on bonfires, burned crops and sacrificed animals. When the Romans
The catholic holiday, Day of the Dead and the holiday Halloween may seem very alike with their traditions and themes, but, they are very different and have very different origins. Halloween and Day of the Dead happen at the same time, end of October and beginning of November. The background of these two holidays are very spiritual and they have an interesting story of how the Halloween and day of the dead was created. In this essay, I will be talking about the how Halloween and Day of the Dead are celebrated , the origins of Day of the Dead and Halloween, and decorations and celebrations of Day of the Dead and Halloween. Both Day of the Dead and Halloween deal with spooky traditions but they are very different than the stereotypical thought that they are just weird, scary holidays but after reading some background to these two holidays, many people realize there is a lot more to Halloween and Day of the Dead.
Halloween is a widely celebrated holiday in America where kids dress up in costumes and go door to door around their neighborhood asking for candy. People tell stories about supernatural creatures, watch horror movies, and adorn their houses with jack-o-lanterns and skeletons. But Halloween was not always celebrated how it is today, and it has seen many changes in traditions throughout the years. Although many aspects of Halloween have changed from its origins to the celebrations today, the differences in the trick-or-treating process and its perseverance throughout the years show its relevance and importance to the holiday. To the Celtic people, Halloween was known as Samhain and was a festival to celebrate the end of summer, the coming of
Let’s start off with the way each holiday emphasizes spirits. Halloween originated from the Celtic festival known as Samhain. During this festival, people made bonfires
A. For example according to journalist Smith, Natalie, Halloween dates back to about 2000 years ago to a festival called Samhain which was celebrated by the Celts. B. Also because of the Celts being believers of the death, it was a much respected celebration that had a serious meaning behind it. C. Furthermore with the expansion of Christianity
Long ago, the Celtic and pagan religions made Halloween more alive before we ever did. The essay says, “Carving pumpkins, bobbing for apples, dressing up in costume and even trick-or-treating were all pagan practices that were carried over.” All of these items made people more interested in the holiday, since they got to be scared and get to be whatever character from whatever show, movie, or play. Some people also think Halloween can be dangerous though because of broken down homes. The essay said that residential house built during the early 1800s were becoming worn down and dilapidated. That means the young children could get crushed by beams supporting the house, fall through floors, and get severe broken bones, but since then, Halloween been improved to where no parent or child will get hurt and haunted houses have been mending their special FX, actors or employees makeup and costumes and are getting better than
Halloween is celebrated almost all around the world. Though the name may differ from region to region, the original customs of halloween can be found everywhere. “Day of the Dead”, “Kawasasqanchis”, “Dance of the Hooded Egunguns”, and “Bon Festival” are just a few of the many celebrations that, if one were to look at their traditions and when the celebrations were made, would see that they derive from the origin of Halloween. The many celebrations similar to Halloween all share similar themes such as: contact with the spirit world involving the spirits of the dead, fairies, witches, and the devil and evil spirit creatures.