
Halloween Killer Monologue

Satisfactory Essays

JOANIE: Sue, let me do the thinking, okay? What is this..?
MALE NEWSMAN: ... authorities in and around Shudderville are warning all residents tonight that Tawny Ka Ching’s death is almost certainly the work of the Halloween Killer. Everyone, especially teenage girls, are advised not to be alone, or even in small groups of two, or three, or they could meet a terrible end…
JOANIE: *counts on fingers silently, pointing away -- Anna -- for “one”, Sue for “two” then herself for “three”. Looks alarmed and then turns off the TV*
ANNA: You’re still here?
JOANIE: Of course.
SUE: And it’s not because the Halloween Killer’s on the loose. We just like you.
JOANIE: *smiling to Sue, through gritted teeth* Yeah, we’re friends....
ANNA: You guys are the best. …show more content…

Why don’t we turn on the TV?
JOANIE: No! Need. No need to watch TV. We have three great conversationalists here.
ANNA: … a Hershey bar, Baby Ruth, Butterfinger, Butterfinger, finger… AHH! There’s a finger in there!
SUE: Yeah, right, a finger. I’m sure there’s a -- FINGER! AHH!
JOANIE: A finger! AHHH!
*Toss finger out*
ANNA: So you still think this is just imaginary, this Halloween Killer?
SUE: He’s not just a killer… he gave us… the finger.
JOANIE: Okay. Alright. It could be a little more serious than I thought.
ANNA: A little more serious? He’s killed one person, now he’s dismembering people. What body part’s gonna show up next in a candy bowl.
SUE: Well it won’t be Joanie’s butt, there’s no candy bowl big enough to hold that.
ANNA: That’s enough! That’s enough! So what are we supposed to do?
JOANIE: How am I supposed to …show more content…

This mop looks death warmed-over. Oops… No offense, Gramps. It’s been fun.
ANNA: No way Sue. You are not leaving by yourself.
JOANIE: You’ll never make it. He’ll grab you, torture you, and kill you.
SUE: Hey --- it hurts to be beautiful. But I am not going to the concert looking like this.
ANNA: And we’re not letting you leave!
SUE: Is that your final answer?
JOANIE: Uh yeah.
SUE: Okay. You’re probably right… It’s him!
ANNA: Where..?
JOANIE: Sue, no!
ANNA: Come back! Run, Sue --- run!
JOANIE: Please get away, please..!
ANNA: Well --- “No scream is… a good scream.”
JOANIE: Yeah. Maybe she did it… Maybe she got away…
*Phone rings*
ANNA: Hello..?
SUE: I made it, guys… I’m in my car… I’m gonna be o--
MALE VOICE: Hey Joanie --- Anna..? If you decide to make a getaway, don’t do it in Sue’s car. It doesn’t even have a CD player…
ANNA: Listen to me.
ANNA: We’re going to be fine.
ANNA: As long as we stay close together.
JOANIE: Close together…
ANNA: Right…
*Joanie yells*
ANNA: Joanie?
ANNA: Not that close together.
JOANIE: Right.
ANNA: Yeah?
JOANIE: Can I be honest with you?

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