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Examining the effective usage of hallucinogens in psychiatric research, its effectiveness in therapy and the risks associated with uncontrolled usage of hallucinogens.
Chantell Meltz
College of Science Technology and Applied Arts of Trinidad and Tobago

A drug according to Levinthal, (2012) is a chemical substance that, when taken into the body, alters the structure or functioning of the body in some way. Hallucinogen is a class of drugs which affects an individual’s perception, sensation, and emotions by disrupting the regular operation of certain neurotransmitters in the brain. While the use of Hallucinogens a form of therapy is a controversial topic and it does have it merits this paper examines the use of hallucinogens …show more content…

It is important to note that from the tens of thousands of doses of LSD and other classical compounds such as mescaline which has been conducted under medical administration, a general fact about these drugs have emerge which posits that the drugs are not addictive but is self-limiting meaning that if taken three days in a row it will no longer produce a psychic effect (Buckley, 1966). Studies on LSD have revealed that it causes no organic changes to the brain or any permanent changes in brain activity.
One must keep in mind that hallucinogens is classified as a schedule I drug in the Controlled Substances Act of 1970, which is reserved for drugs with a great potential for abuse, a lack of established safety even under medical supervision and no known use in medical treatment. This classification of hallucinogens as a schedule 1 drug has however not deterred the use of hallucinogens in psychiatric therapy and psychiatric research in the United States and around the world.
Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) another natural Psychedelic compound found in a wide variety of plants however the amount of alkaloid in the plants varies depending on the type of plant and the condition in which was grown and cultivated. DMT has been used since the 1990’s in many pharmacological studies at the University of Miami in research related to

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