
Hamlet And Ophelia In Shakespeare's Hamlet

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In the Shakespeare play hamlet, Hamlet tries to hide a lot of emotions. In the play hamlet and ophelia are said to be in love or that Ophelia loves hamlet. Although people believe they are in love, Hamlet does not really act like he does love her. In the play, Hamlet has an unknown relationship with ophelia that could be fake; But there could be some reasoning behind the relationship and why he would be using her. Throughout the play Hamlet does not treat Ophelia well and sometimes even insults her. He had said many times “Get thee to a nunnery” (III.I). He would often say this throughout this conversation as another way to make her feel bad. That he was trying to hurt but still look as if he loved her to others. Also later when Ophelia talks about what happened she said “He took me by the wrist and held me hard” (II.I). That in the conversation between hamlet and Ophelia when Hamlet was not verbally hurting her, he would sometimes get physical. Hamlet would often use this as a way to show how insane he was getting. Also when Ophelia was talking to Polonius she said “And thrice his head thus waving up and down” (II.I). This is another example of when Hamlet do things to make himself seem more insane. Also he is using Ophelia again as a way to spread about himself that he wants. So Hamlet would verbally and sometimes physically hurt her to get her to do what he wants. Hamlet had felt that he would have a better connection to the people around him if he was with Ophelia.

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