
Hamlet And Ophelia's Relationship Essay

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The Bumps Along the Way As William Shakespeare once said, “the course of true love never did run smooth” (“87 Shakespeare”). This is true for the love of Ophelia and Hamlet in Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet. In the play, Hamlet plays the role of a wealthy son trying to avenge his dead father who was murdered by his uncle and now stepfather. Ophelia, on the other hand, plays the role of a modern day girl who is friends with the royal family. In the play, Hamlet and Ophelia pose confusing thoughts to the audience about if they have a relationship, and based on Hamlet’s actions, if he truly does love her. However, when looking at the text, it shows that Hamlet truly does love Ophelia, but certain circumstances make it hard for him to continue showing his love for her until it is too late. …show more content…

She tells her father in Act I, Scene III, “he hath my lord, of late made many tenders of his affection to me” (Shakespeare 45). She also says, “My lord he hath importuned me with love, in honorable fashion. . . and hath given countenance to his speech, my lord, with almost all the holy vows of heaven” (Shakespeare 47). The audience hears about how Hamlet does confess his love towards her in a letter that was written to Ophelia. It states, “O dear Ophelia, I am ill at these numbers. I have not art to reckon my groans, but that I love thee best, O most best, believe it. Adieu” (Shakespeare

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