
Hamlet Soliloquy Analysis Essay

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Act 3, Scene 1, pg. 970 – 971

“To be, or not to be, - that is the question:
Whether ‘this nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them? – To die, - to sleep, -
No more; and by a sleep to say we end” A famous lines of Hamlet that are ‘to be or not no be” carries some of the important significances on story’s description. From the first sight, it was just Hamlet’s thoughts, however, it was more than that. In Hamlet, William Shakespeare argues that huge effects on moral decisions are made by influence of the surrounding and by its conflicts. The chosen lines from Hamlet, clarify the character, carry ironic significance and further the plot by concretizing conflict. …show more content…

The father’s death does not leave Hamlet calm for he still live in grief. The mother and uncle’s marriage after two months of father’s death also affect Hamlet’s feelings. Due to these events, Hamlet lives in misunderstanding of the world. He feels that his mother betrayed his father. Hamlet cannot forgive his mother the decision she made of marring his uncle after short amount of time after Hamlet’s father death. Hamlet feels that the world does not carry any type of truth. Therefore Hamlet with his grief and with hate to his mother is not sure of how to act further.
The lines carry ironic significance because the character plays with death and life. Hamlet’s play with life and death went to the fact were he died. The thoughts and beliefs that it was the easy way to escape from problems turned to be the real action. The act of death was expected when Hamlet’s uncle was planning it for Hamlet; however, he found way to avoid it. He was near death because the deaths of his relative and people whom he knew did not leave his thoughts. The signs and his played turned into a

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