
Hamster Research Paper

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Have you ever wanted a kid friendly class pet? Have you ever not known want pet to get? Well I have the perfect pets in mind such as a hamster, platy fish, and a turtle. The reason I feel these pets are great for a classroom is because they don’t bite, aren’t poisonous, and aren’t loud. Also these pets don’t have to be with someone over the weekend.
To start, a hamster is a great class pet. Their diet is super simple and cheap, and consists of carrots, broccoli, or any vegetable. Also hamsters live in a small cage that is great for carrying cleaning, and preventing hands getting to the hamster. The hamster sleeps soundly in his cage, and can get lots of activity by his treadmill wheel. Just for safety make sure the cage stays locked, and did you know there are twenty five species of hamsters? Since there are so many species of hamsters, you can have a wide variety. Personally, I feel hamsters would be great class pets because they aren’t distracting, deadly, or poisonous. …show more content…

This particular fish eats regular fish food and even dried worms. The platy fish also lives in a safe fish tank where it gets all of its sleep and exercise. Fish usually get their exercise by swimming, so you won’t need to provide an additional feature. Just in case I would put a lid on top of the tank to keep small hands from grabbing hold of the fish. An interesting fact is some platy fish have a black shaped mickey mouse head on the body, and you can’t get any better than that for first graders. This would be a great class pet because it is extremely quiet, easy to manage, and they are safer than almost any

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