Have you ever wanted a kid friendly class pet? Have you ever not known want pet to get? Well I have the perfect pets in mind such as a hamster, platy fish, and a turtle. The reason I feel these pets are great for a classroom is because they don’t bite, aren’t poisonous, and aren’t loud. Also these pets don’t have to be with someone over the weekend.
To start, a hamster is a great class pet. Their diet is super simple and cheap, and consists of carrots, broccoli, or any vegetable. Also hamsters live in a small cage that is great for carrying cleaning, and preventing hands getting to the hamster. The hamster sleeps soundly in his cage, and can get lots of activity by his treadmill wheel. Just for safety make sure the cage stays locked, and did you know there are twenty five species of hamsters? Since there are so many species of hamsters, you can have a wide variety. Personally, I feel hamsters would be great class pets because they aren’t distracting, deadly, or poisonous.
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This particular fish eats regular fish food and even dried worms. The platy fish also lives in a safe fish tank where it gets all of its sleep and exercise. Fish usually get their exercise by swimming, so you won’t need to provide an additional feature. Just in case I would put a lid on top of the tank to keep small hands from grabbing hold of the fish. An interesting fact is some platy fish have a black shaped mickey mouse head on the body, and you can’t get any better than that for first graders. This would be a great class pet because it is extremely quiet, easy to manage, and they are safer than almost any
Since then, the store has expanded its small animal selection to include other small animals, including Guinea pigs, hedgehogs and hamsters.
Did A Critter Chew Through An Electrical Cord? Know What You Can Do About It
What is it like to be a barn rat? A barn rat is probably a term that you have never
Since we are getting a pet we should get a guinea pig. We should get one because they are soft, they don't take up much room, and don't smell bad.
Sloths are usually a grey color and some of the sloths in the wild will actually be covered with algae, which may sound somewhat disgusting but it's used for camouflage to hide from bigger predators that they might come across in the wild. They need to be disguised well because as you know, sloths are pretty slow. Sloths are the slowest on the ground and in the trees. To your amazement, sloths are excellent, fast swimmers. This is probably because they fall out of the trees, into the water, on a daily basis. If you ever see a sloth in the wild you will most likely see the sloth upside down. If you are getting a pet sloth you will want to purchase a larger kennel of some sort to house a sloth which you can expect to get up to two feet tall.
Australia have many animals that comes in all shapes, sizes, and colors. They all have different ways of adapting to the environment. In Australia, they have more than 378 mammal species. Some stay in trees and some stay on land.
My magazine is for all ages and for both boys and girls. Barnyard Animals includes the care of barnyard animals, types of animals found at the barnyard, and places that barnyard animals can be shown, like the county fair. I am focusing mostly on farm animals but I will accept and write about almost all animal related topics. I am looking for 1st and 2nd rights. I will pay high amounts for high quality work for Barnyard Animals. If you are interested please contact me at lunch, pass, or at break.
The breed of guinea pig in Figure 7 is a Coronet. The Coronet breed of guinea pig are identified by their similar appearance to a Silkie guinea pig breed, but have a crest on their head which splits the hair to look like a crown, with the hair growing backwards towards rump (Passion for Pets, n.d). This breed was developed in the United States of America in the late 1970s, cross breeding Silkie guinea pigs, and the White Crested breed. The Coronet guinea pig can be any colour, and unlike their ancestors, the White Crested, their crown-like crest can be any colour. As Coronets are a long-hair breed, their coat needs constant grooming and trimming, to keep their silky appearance (“Coronet Guinea Pig”, n.d). Coronet guinea pigs, although similar
Eventually, the stress made Rat snap and turned him from a brave medic to a paranoid and crazed man who desperately wanted to escape. He started talking on and on about bugs, “swarms of mutant bugs, billions of them, they had him bracketed. Whispering his name… all night long-- it was driving him crazy.”(209-10) He started scratching at his bug bites till they bled and even then he wouldn’t stop. It wasn’t just the bugs that stayed on his mind. His job as a medic had exposed him to countless corpses and injuries and “[he] start to picture how [his friends] look dead. Without arms or legs… he couldn’t shut off the pictures.”(211) Seeing so many dead and heavily injured people must’ve made him paranoid and fear for his own life because he also
Scopes Trial, or the Monkey Trials, was a trial about teaching Darwin’s Evolution Theory in public schools (ushistory.org).
The Potbellied Pig is just as good a pet as a dog, they're known to be one of the smartest animals to train in your home.
Introduction Header- In my opinion, I would recommend a ferret because they are so cute to have as pets, but they might be hard to take of them. I hope that people would have responsibility for a ferret as a class pet.These cute ferrets are actually great pets as long you pay close attention.
Many people say that a dog is a man’s best friend. Ferrets are pretty close. Ferrets are very intelligent and have a way of communicating with humans. Ferrets are a carnivorous species that have not yet been studied when it comes to social cognition, or really at all within the field of psychology. Most people have an instinct to call a ferret a rat. Ferrets will surprise and delight you with what they can do and learn. They recognize their name, respond to verbal and visual commands, and can even learn to do tricks. Ferrets can also be litter-box trained. The behaviors you want to see in your ferret can best be achieved by training it and rewarding them with a treat. Some owners are amazed at how adept ferrets become at solving problems -
A common concern is the damage that a pet may pose on the student’s room and belongings. While this is a legitimate worry, as some pets do make a mess, it is solely the students responsibility to minimize and pay for any damage that the animal may do. Because of this, the school would never have to worry about the expenses that would come with damage to the property. Another concern is that pets may be a distraction to students while they are studying or trying to do homework. As an owner of a puppy, I do understand this concern, however, it is much easier that you would think. There are many things, such as toys and treats, that can distract a puppy and allow its owner to work without problems. If all else fails, a crate with a comfy bed will keep the puppy out of the
Animal science is a very broad topic. Form General Animal Science class I have learned that animal science is concerned with the science and also with the business to produce livestock such as cattle, horses, sheep, swine and poultry. In this course I have also learned that the scientists apply various genetic modifications on animal to increase production and management of livestock. To supply for the demand of animal in worldwide the industries of livestock are responsible for maintaining the well-being of the animals. The three concepts that I learned after taking this class are choosing the right breed of animal is necessary for mass production, genetic selection, and food safety.