
Hand Sanitizer Alert: Article Analysis

Decent Essays

The title of the article is Hand Sanitizer Alert. It really grabs the attention of the reader and represents the article. The introduction clearly tells the reader the importance hand sanitizer and research with validated results that it reduces the spread of illnesses and decreases the missed days in schools related to illnesses. The article is very informative and contains research conducted. This in return helps support their handwashing study related to strength of hand sanitizers. Below I have incorporated a chart of the results to compare different strengths and methods of hand washing. This helps illustrate the statistical outcome of the community-based epidemiologic studies.
After reading the article again the authors have a way to explain to the audience that there is a problem educating the public on what is the best hand sanitizer to purchase. It is very misleading and has been proven in quantitative studies that if the percentage of the ethanol content is below 60% it isn’t strong enough to kill all the germs associated with the spread of illnesses. “This material is the result of work supported with resources and facilities at the James H. Quillen Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Mountain Home, Tennessee.” Reynolds, S. A., Levy, F., & Walker, E. S. (2006)
Research was studied using hospital grade soaps and hand sanitizers, …show more content…

All health professionals want to know how to stay healthy and to prevent the spread of illness to others. Yes, to make sure everyone is using the best hand sanitizer in schools to help reduce illness and missed school days. “For alcohol-based hand sanitizers, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends a concentration of 60% to 95% ethanol or isopropanol, the concentration range of greatest germicidal efficacy. While nonhealthcare groups also recommend alcohol-based hand sanitizers, they usually do not specify an appropriate concentration of alcohol.” Reynolds al.

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