
Hand Washing Should Be An Educational Priority

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Validity according to (Cozby, P.C. 2001) definition: It is the extent to which an assessment accurately measures what it is intended to measure. Stephen 's hand hygiene practice according to Mary 's assessment and observations are valid. Even though the assessment was done informally it is valid as it gives an accurate result of what he is expected to do when assessed formally. Mary can predict from her observations, that his future performance will be of the same standard. According to (Who 2010), Hand washing should become an educational priority. Stephen 's understanding of the relevant theory was witnessed by his assessor Mary on more than one occasion.
According to (cozby, p.c. 2001) definition, Reliability is the degree to which the …show more content…

B, Mary needs to explain to Stephen, that she did not remember ever seeing him using hand gel, for his second part of his placement, she should assess his theoretical knowledge of using alcohol gel and ask him to demonstrate it, or if there is any reason why he is not using the gel. Some people are allergic to the chemicals in the gel. according to (WHO 2009) No product, however, is free of potential risk. Hence, it is necessary to provide an alternative for use by individuals with sensitivity or reactions to the hand hygiene product available in the institution.
C, Mary will need to plan her assessment time in advance and inform her student to observe the skill herself and give him feedback which is relevant, informative and fit for purpose.

This is a reflection on a positive feedback given to a student. The purpose of giving feedback according to (John Hattie and Helen Timperley 2007) is to provide evidence about performance and it is a powerful influence on learning and achievement. The impact can either be positive or negative feedback information provided regarding aspects of one 's performance or understanding. For me the purpose of feedback at that time was, I was supervising a student doing a clinical skill. she did well from start to finish with confidence and she was competent in her skill. After she finished doing the task under my supervision, I gave her a positive and constructive

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