
Hanna Rosin's 'Men Are Obsolete'

Decent Essays

I'd have to agree with Hanna Rosin on “Men Are Obsolete: Five reasons we are Definitely Witnessing the End of Men”. While she does come off as seeming hostile, her points are still valid and she isn't talking about “Men” as the whole amount of the male population, but rather seems to be targeting the more “chest-beating” types who feel they should be king simply because of the way they were born. As it stands now her points are being demonstrated in the world, or at least in the U.S., men and women are beginning to earn similar wages, there is now a precedent set for stay-at-home husbands and fathers, and there is now a precedent of men demonstrating traits that were, originally, feminine in nature, such as an obsession with bodily appearance …show more content…

I disagree with the article “Man Down” pretty badly; to start with, it's fairly insulting to both of the sexes. To start off, the article brings up a lot of quotes from different feminist sources, yet doesn't actually make any sort of counter-point about it other than it being a “War on Men”. The only real counter-point the article makes is in regards to the upper echelons of the corporate and political world still being white and male, however the point the article makes against this claim is “Today, 24 percent of wives earn more than their husbands --- four times greater than in the 1960's. The U.S. Census Bureau reports that between 1970 and 2010, the median earnings of men fell 19 percent.” This doesn't actually have anything to do with the point of the upper echelons, that being CEO's, bank owners, the members of congress, members of the senate, Governors, etc are majority being White Males. This article also seems to make it a point to say that a man’s role in society is dependent on women, and that “When women usurp men's role in society, as they do now, it messes up the order of things” and “Most men don't want to compete with the women they love; they want to take care of them. It makes men feel important and boosts their self-esteem.” So it seems that the entire point of the article revolves around not hurting a man’s feelings which, all things considered, is rather

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