Hannah Cavenagh was an intelligent painter. She leads a content life. She wanted to paint something different something that wasn’t the seaside. Then she remembered that she had a sister in Hawaii named Bethany. So later that morning she booked a summer trip to The Aloha State, Hawaii. When Hannah arrived to the airport her sister was already waiting with a welcoming hug. Bethany’s house was like an hour away from the airport so on the way home they stop for dinner. Hannah and her sister have a conversation that is non stop. Hannah told Bethany that over the years she has gotten really go at painting and that is the reason why she came. But what really go Hannah’s attention is that Bethany had said she always wanted a garden.
When Katherine Garetson filed a claim on 160 acres of land in Tahosa Valley, she was 37 years old. The general consensus was that she was doomed to fail in her endeavor, as she knew nothing about homesteading and the extent of her skills were cooking, sewing, reading and writing. Her desperation for independence was way greater than her shortcomings, though. When her father suffered financial trouble, she had to move in with her married sister, Helen Dings. Because one of Helen’s sons was sick with was thought to be tuberculosis, the family made a trip to Colorado on the advice of the child’s physician during the summer of 1909. The family chose the Longs Peak Inn in Estes Park for their stay. They were so fond of the area, that they returned
Hannah Senesh was born in Budapest, Hungary, on July 17, 1921. She had a younger brother and her parents were an author and a journalist. She was always very talented in writing. Throughout her life, she kept a diary and wrote many poems. She was Jewish, and in 1939, she moved to Israel with her brother because of anti-semitism in Hungary. In Israel, she attended an agricultural school, and later settled at the Kibbutz Sdot Yam. Hannah Senesh was brave, and stood her ground for what she thought was right. She did what she knew what good for other people, even if it hurt her.
Lena Waithe Makes Emmy History as First African-American Woman to Win for Best Comedy Writing
A freshman in High School, Hannah Corbat had lived on many streets during her 15 years of life. She lived in Swooping Eagle ct, Lotus, Brookchase Ln and Patten. She has a younger brother in elementary school, an older sister at the University of Florida, and her father is in the United States Navy. Hannah enjoys reading and cooking with her mother. Hannah also enjoys drawing and painting at home and even at school.
Mollie Goodnight did all that she could throughout her whole life from taking care of her siblings right after both of her parents’ deaths, to just teaching some of her husband's farm hands how to read. Mollie tried to do her best even in the darkest of times, which is one of the reasons that she is one of the best women Texas has ever had.
Kate Kimball is an award-winning fiction author who has worked hard to be in the position she is in now. Despite currently struggling with her health, she has continued to peruse her English PhD in Creative Writing here at Florida State University. Born in beautiful Salt Lake City, Utah Kimball is surprised to find herself over 2,000 miles away now studying in the sunshine state. FSU offers one of the top creative writing programs that currently is ranked top 5 in the nation according to The Atlantic Monthly. Kimball was excited to be accepted into the accredited program after earning her bachelor’s from the University of Utah and masters at Virginia Tech. Kimball has always loved writing and says, “Creative writing allows you to write about
Bethany Hamilton is a brave surfer who survived a shark attack and faced her fears to continue doing what she loves. She was born in Kauai in 1990 and started surfing when she was 4 years old. At the age of 8, she got a gold medal in her first competition and since then she would have the first place in every championship she took part of. She was so talented that she could do amazing tricks that surfers her age couldn’t. Therefore, she had Rip Curl as a sponsor. However, in 2003 she was laying on her surfboard with her left arm underwater and a tiger shark bit it. Luckily, she was accompanied by her friends, so they helped her to get to the beach. Although she had a tremendous fear, Bethany didn’t hesitate in returning to the waves
"When can I get back in the water?" (scope 8) Bethany Hamilton asks while laying in the hospital bed. She had just gotten attacked by a 15 foot tiger shark while surfing. With most tiger sharks, after they attack something, they go back to eat it. Bethany was lucky that she wasn't the sharks next meal. After the terrifying shark attack Bethany Hamilton demonstrated great resilience by overcoming the tragedy to achieve her surfing dream. There are a few words that come to mind when I think of her and her horrific experience.
Laura Dewey Bridgman was born on December 21, 1829, in Hanover, New Hampshire. Her parents were farmers in New England. According to an account by her mother, Laura began her life as “a lively, intelligent, extremely curious child who had at 18 months begun to ‘talk quite plain’ and learn a few letters of the alphabet” (Mahoney). At only two years old, however, Laura contracted scarlet fever for several weeks. During this illness, she lost her senses of, sight and hearing, and most of her senses of taste and smell. This severe loss of senses made it difficult for Laura to communicate with her family and she soon forgot how to speak.
At this point Henry started to look back to Catholicism after the horrendously failed marriage of Anne by Cromwell, and so the Catholic supporters at court urged marriage to the young Catholic Catherine Howard. Catherine was very young and very ‘bouncy’, which the king adored, but she was extremely inept and even more frivolous than the now-aging king. The king preferred to admire her rather than sleep with her, and so Catherine sought companionship with the King’s favorite, Thomas Culpeper. Once the affair was found out they were, shockingly, both executed and Henry once again turned his head back towards the Protestant reformation. Henry’s sixth and final marriage was again to a Protestant named Catherine Parr. Catherine was a peacemaker
Hi, my name is Hannah Thomas and I live in Pleasant Plains, Arkansas. I am currently a nursing student in the RN program at UACCB. An interesting fact about me is that (with luck and lots of prayer) I will finish the RN program at the age of 19. My passion would really be becoming a nurse, even when I was little I knew that it was the career that I wanted to go into. I simply enjoy trying to make sick people better. My biggest pet peeve would have to be when people rinse food off of their plates into the sink, that's what trashcans are for and unless you have a garbage disposal it's disgusting. My favorite quote is "With God all things are possible." Mat
Maria Hupfield is a contemporary American Indian artist from Ontario, Canada and is a member of the Wasauksing First Nation. She is now based in Brooklyn New York and has had some of her works displayed in the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian. She has made various artworks such as the swirl dress, jingle dress, jingle shoes and gloves with ribbons across, amongst other things. Her artwork is very closely related to her heritage as a descendant of an American Indian tribe.
In the small town of Dickinson in Texas, on August 9th 1990, 8-year-old Jennifer Schuett was abducted by Dennis Earl Bradford. After being taken straight from her bed through her bedroom window, Bradford attempted to calm Schuett by reassuring her he was an undercover officer. Bradford then strangled, raped and lacerated Shuett’s neck, leaving her to bleed out in a field. Shuett recalls him asking her “Am I scaring you little girl? Am I scaring you?” Schuett was left helpless and immobile until she was found by children playing a game of tag. Bradford was not identified or arrested for his actions until 19 years later. However, before he could be tried, Bradford committed suicide in his jail cell.
Adventure, a yearning to leave home in pursuit of wonders never seen before. Creating memories with every step taken as you travel from place to place, looking for the next exciting location. If anyone knows the true meaning of adventure, it is Kaitlyn Brunssen. Kaitlyn has been traveling around the US since age eight, stepping foot in over twenty separate states. She traveled to more places in sixteen years than most people have in their whole lives. There is no doubt that Kaitlyn is an extremely adventurous person.
The holidays are a magical time for many. Mary Jane Carey delights us with her whimsical style in her new fabric collection “Reindeer Magic.” Are your holiday decorative sensibilities understated? Do you simply blend in a few seasonal embellishments to your everyday décor? This range of fabric can help you create and incorporate a few holiday touches around your home.