
Hannibal Barca, Caligula, And Genghis Khan

Decent Essays

What makes a leader a good leader? It is based on how much he does for his people? Or is it based on how much he accomplishes during his reign? There is no one definite answer for this question. A “good” leader can be determined by several different standards. Although their approaches were frowned upon by many, Hannibal Barca, Caligula, and Genghis Khan can all be viewed as “good” leaders. These leaders differ in morals, military tactics, and ruling strategies but, they all managed to accomplish the statues of “The Great” during their time of rule. G.P. Baker stated in his book Hannibal, “Hannibal was thus one of the most important of the men who originated the tradition of personal government as distinguished form collegial or senatorial…” (Preface). Hannibal Barca was popular among his people because they felt that he genuinely cared for them. article on Hannibal Barca states, “He reorganized venues, promoted democracy, and stimulated agriculture and …show more content…

They were both tolerant of individual beliefs and religious freedoms. They also gave their people a sense of identity. Both rulers had many accomplishments to their name besides their military accomplishments. Barca promoted democracy and equality among social classes. Khan created the first international postal service. The list of accomplishments could go on and on. This list would show that although both rulers were ruthless when need be, they still worked hard for their own people. Both Khan and Barca grew up around violence. Khan witnessed the brutal murder of his father at the young age of 10 and Barca grew up in a military based community. They both rose to power with an agenda, to honor their deceased fathers. They both became great military strategist with the use of surprise and coordinated attacks which made them feared individuals. They created a large empire for their people and died an honorable death as a

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