
Hannibal Lecter Mental Illness

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The Possible Mental Health Disorders of Dr. Hannibal Lecter: A Case Study
I am going to explore the possible mental health disorders extant in the life of Dr. Hannibal Lecter. Research suggest that his psychological issues began during his childhood, when he experienced a tragic event that shaped the rest of his life. I chose Dr. Lecter as my case study because I know that he’s well know psychopath with many characteristics that would be interesting to study.
The Case

Hannibal Lecter played the part of a psychiatry medical doctor, who was also cannibalistic. He used his intelligence to manipulate law enforcement to get insights on crimes. He was very calculating and lack remorse of empathy for his victims (Blair, 2005).
Identifying Information …show more content…

His sister, whom is was very close to was captured by the group and cannibalized. Lecter was able to escape, but this experienced was very traumatic for him. Lecter was then sent to live in an orphanage, where he viewed as an outcast, ran away often, and stole items from stores and even begin butchering animals. The demise of Hannibal’s sister was definitely the manifestation of his psychological disorders. It changed the way he viewed relationships, and he became extremely obsessed with prestige, entitlement and power. When Lecter left the orphanage he was taken in by his aunt, and lived in France. As a teenager, Lecter committed his first act to murder when he beheaded a butcher worker that he felt belittled his aunt. From this point, Lecter set out on a mission to avenge his sister’s death by finding the men who killed her; where he then found them, mutilated and cannibalized them. Following this experience, Lecter left to pursue his college degree at John Hopkins University. Once he graduates and is well established in the community, Lecter beings to kill and cannibalize …show more content…

His crimes began before he was eighteen years old and he experienced childhood trauma and begin killing animals and people. Dr. Lecter frequently engage in fraudulent crimes, and theft. He refused to conform to what society establishes as normal behavior, or lawful expectations (Taylor, 2014). Antisocial personality disorder is categorized by an established pattern of a contempt for the rights of others.
People with Antisocial Personality Disorder often lack empathy and are inclined to be cynical, and condescending of the rights of others. Dr. Lecter, displayed superficial charm and lacked empathy for his victims. Antisocial personality disorder is diagnosed when a person’s pattern of antisocial behavior has happened since 15 years old in which they fail to conform to social norms, practice deception, aggressiveness, lack of impulse control and disregard for the safety of others. In diagnosing the client, there should be symptoms of conduct disorder seen even if it was not previously diagnosed by a therapist.
Justification for Diagnosis

Diagnosis Diagnostic Criteria Example
Antisocial Personality

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