
Happiness Definition Essay

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Happiness has two definitions. One definition of happiness is the actual definition and the other definition is what happiness means to us as individuals. Are we in control of our happiness? A simple question with a complex answer. Some think the answer is as simple as black and white but in actuality it falls in a gray area. I personally believe that it solely falls upon the individual to control their happiness. For example when we as people tend to give others the chance to manipulate our moods. Now how does that happen? Simple, we give words meaning. Words can have weight , and when we decide to give those words meaning and weight it can affect our happiness. But that’s when you as the individual needs to be able to not let those words …show more content…

These people can easily remain anonymous and become keyboard warriors. And these keyboard warriors can easily control somebody’s happiness to the point where people have taken their lives. Why does this happen? Because they are in control of their happiness. This is the most common way that we as people tend to give words weight and meaning. Being in control of your happiness is almost considered a rarity. Because sometimes it’s not as easy as you think or as easy as you would like to think. Another example is that if you are happy somebody isn’t and that person doesn’t like the fact that you are happy. So what do they do? They begin to make you feel as low as they do. And they start telling you all of these words that we as people occasionally take to heart. Which lowers our happiness. Yes you are going to have those people who say that has never happened to them. But I can almost a sure anything that it has happened to the vast majority of us. But that’s when you as the individual cannot give these words meaning and weight because as soon as you do, you are letting all of those people control your

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