
Happiness In Siddhartha

Decent Essays

What Makes Happiness Happiness? Everyone defines happiness differently, but everyone needs happiness. The book Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse talks about how Siddhartha finds happiness through many ways. He leaves home and his friend, Govinda, to find enlightenment. He starves himself, he learns love, he even thinks of suicide… Fortunately, he meets a ferryman, who becomes his best friend, also his “teacher”, and helps him find the ultimate way to achieve enlightenment. Siddhartha abandons his relationships, money, and education which bring him happiness, and in the twenty first century, these still bring happiness as the essential steps to take. Relationship makes Siddhartha’s life more meaningful and significant. Kamala, the woman Siddhartha …show more content…

From the research on Income and Well-Being, study reports that money does buy happiness, “People with more money have higher reported well-being, they say, all the way up to the top 10 percent of earns”(Derek). Siddhartha’s wealthy life is more admirable, and it also gives him an opportunity for a relationship, since Kamala wants someone that is rich with good-looking clothes and exquisite shoes. Not only in Siddhartha’s society, nowadays, money will also make people happy. It is the basic human need, and it is considered the more the better for people’s desire. An easy example, a woman has a higher chance to choose a rich guy over a poor guy to marry. Wealth leads to happiness and satisfaction in all kinds of society, also in the future for a high chance, however, there is always something more important -- …show more content…

Although he refuses learning from a teacher, her learns from experience. When he wants to suicide, something that leads him his way in his life suddenly appears in his mind, “It was one word, one syllable, which without thinking he pronounced to himself in a bubbling voice, the first and last word of all the old prayers of the Brahmins, the holy ‘OM’, which signifies something like ‘the perfect’ or ‘perfect completion’(70). Siddhartha does not need a teacher because he is his own teacher, so is the nature, and the word OM. Even though he likes listening to the Buddha, he believes that there is something that no one is able to teach which he has to experience himself. The word OM reminds him of all the niceness, it even awakens him from thinking of suicide. The river teaches him that everything is a unity and there is no past or future, there is only now. He learns and feels the world himself, and experiences are what have been with him along his way to achieve enlightenment. No matter how, learning is always important, also in the twenty first century. Education makes people have lives of higher quality, and it is one necessary step people need to take to come to be accepted in this world, like it emphasizes in the article Can a College Degree Make You Healthier and Happier? “ It boots your communication skills, keeps you young, makes you feel alive, and keeps the

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