
Happiness In Sir Gawain And The Green Knight And Federigo's Falcon

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Since their beginning, Humans have debated over the true cause of happiness. Some people argue that wealth brings happiness, while some say that love is the only real way to acquire happiness. Some even devote their entire lives to a god in an attempt to gain an inkling of genuine, long-lasting happiness. Every human has some belief system when trying to find true happiness, but many go their entire life without experiencing it except for in brief, fleeting moments. Through the use of various literary elements, “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” and “Federigo’s Falcon” both indirectly suggest that happiness gained through others or physical possessions is doomed to live a short life, but happiness derived from contentedness within oneself cannot be extinguished by anything except for death itself.

Happiness has a …show more content…

One can be happy because they won the lottery, or one can be happy simply because someone smiled at them. Happiness is not hard to acquire, but establishing a consistent and enduring happiness in one’s life is almost impossible if one does not have a strong mental foundation built by a sense of self-fulfillment and independence. Modern society openly ridicules any form of self-content. It is filled with ever-changing advertisements for new ways to become happy quickly. Modern society has essentially spread a narcotic-like addiction to fads; overloading our brain with spikes of serotonin then leaving us in a state of withdrawal. In this society, one is no longer allowed to simply achieve set goals and live the rest of their life in peace; they must evolve, or they will be left behind. Society power and influence is growing at such a rapid rate that there will be a point where no human

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