
Happy Meal Lab

Decent Essays

Purpose: When conducting this experiment we were trying to figure out the types of nutrients were in a McDonald’s Happy Meal.
Background: Before starting this experiment we all had a general sense of was what is in a Mcdonald’s Happy Meal. We could assume the main nutrient in each part of the meal. Using the information of what type of nutrients and organic molecules we were able to suspect what was in the Happy Meal. There are three types of Organic molecules, examples of them are protein, fats/oils, starch and monosaccharides. Proteins provide structure, movement, and energy. Fats/oils are used for long term energy storage, insulation and cushioning. Monosaccharides and starch are both used mainly for energy storage
Hypothesis: Using this …show more content…

Then we added 5 drops of Lugol’s solution and recorded results.

Discussion: The results of the class were:
Burger: Positive for fats/oils, negative for all the other tests, three groups got positive for protein. The data says that the burger has a low amount of protein in it. When we know that it has a higher amount of protein. The data proves that the burger does have fat/oil in it. The lack of positive results for protein was because the H2O/burger solution had too much H2O to get a consistent result. Not all the groups could get chunks of burger for the test, proving that the burger was to diluted.
Fries: The groups got positive for starch and fat/oil. Proving that fries do have starch and fat/oil in them like I predicted in my hypothesis. Fries are greasy because they fry them in oil which is a type of fat/oil which is why it came out as positive.
Bun: All eight of the groups got positive results for starch. Seven groups got positive for monosaccharides and protein. This proves that my hypothesis that starch was in the bun was correct. The other results might of been contaminated by the burger, because some of the burger residue could have gotten onto the

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