Harassment on the basis of race is also prohibited. Harassment is any conduct based on a person's race that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment or interferes with the person's work performance. Harassing conduct might include racial slurs, jokes about a particular racial group, or physical acts of significance to a certain racial group. For example, hanging or posting an offensive picture or object near an employee's workspace. Not every joke or inappropriate remark constitutes harassment, from a legal perspective. Workplace conduct must be unwelcome, and it must be sufficiently severe or pervasive to change the terms and conditions of the victim's employment, to qualify as harassment. If the conduct is extreme,
9/14 pm shift - Observed male agent and female agent in the office just before bags arrived off flight 2018. Previous to the bags arriving on the carousel the office was open but there was no visible agent (they were in the back area). Agents should be visible and available to assist customers during office hours. Both agents were observed scrolling and texting on their phone in view of customers. Female was texting while the male was assisting a customer. This does not present a professional appearance. No claims were taken. Agents greeted customers asking a question and listened to their needs, however, few smiles were offered. Male agent was wearing an old LAA uniform and name bar and female was not wearing the required cross functional uniform or name bar. Observed the baggage delivery of flight 2018.
• Harassment: behaviour deemed offensive by the recipient. Employees can claim they find something offensive even when it's not directed at them.
Numerous Puerto Rican, Dominican, Salvadorans and other Latino residents have reported illegal searches, harassment by building inspectors, and their homes are inspected for housing-code violations far more frequently than those of whites. They also report racial profiling and police harassment. Many local whites seem to prefer a community that segregates whites and Latinos in separate residential areas.
Dutta, Sunil. “Not Race Alone.” Los Angeles Times. 22 Nov. 2010: A.17. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 05 Dec. 2016.
Pertaining the situation of the inappropriate comments from Joe to Brenda, it can be considered as racial harassment. According to Moran (2014), racial harassment can occur in the workplace and it exists when the behavior by co-workers, supervisors, or the organization have created a hostile work environment based on race. As a result, the person on the receiving end may feel victimized and the ability to do their job may be compromised. It has been stated how Joe, who is a darker skinned African American made comments about how Brenda is a lighter skinned African American, thus indicating that she is not a real African American because of her skin tone. This situation can also be a violation of the Civil Rights Act which indicates that discrimination
People aren't angry about just this singular issue. They're frustrated with the repeated injustices and failure for the system to work for people of color.
The police officer bringing the detained man fitting the description of a robbery that just occurred back to the scene in order for the cashier to identify him would be a showup. The one man show up occurred almost directly after the offense had been committed. This is more suggestive than a lineup. (2015) I have never personally been apart of a lineup or conducted one. However, I have conducted several showups. I was able to locate a suspect of felony vandalism and criminal trespass thanks to the eye witness testimony. I was able to bring him back to the scene of where the offense had taken place within thirty minutes and the witness was able to identify him as the suspect. Not to mention, as I have stated previously the cameras in the store
American Heritage dictionary states that racism is “Discrimination or prejudice based upon race." That is exactly what racial profiling is. I am not however arguing that if a person is robbed says the criminal who robbed them was an adult black male that the police should look for everyone other than an adult black male for that crime, but also not try and use that information to persecute younger black males. However, that is not considered profiling in that instance, it is not based on demographics or statistics, and it is based upon actual information about the specific person who did the crime.
July 3rd, 2013, the police stop a young African-American male on his way home from school. When he asked the officers why he had been stopped, they replied, “ If you aren’t hiding anything, you don’t have anything to worry about”. The police officers began interrogating the young man asking questions like where he was coming from, where was he headed and what he did during the day. The young man informed the officers he was coming from school and was headed home. The officer’s then asked to search the young man’s book bag. “ I’m sorry, officers why do you need to search my book bag? Again, the officers replied, “ If you are not hiding anything, you have nothing to worry about.” At the time this young man did not know his rights and should have
As a police officer, I have dedicated my life in serving the people and keeping them safe from potentially dangerous criminals. I had just gotten home from duty and turned on the TV. The news was on and they were reporting about the officer that shot and killed Michael Brown. The first thing that I thought was that the media has blown this incident was out of proportion. Brown must have been seen as a threat by the officer to the public to actually be shot. The protesters are calling us cops racist, that we use racial profiling. That is so far from the truth. We take every possible suspect into consideration. We look at their motive, their alibis, etc. to make sure we arrest the right person. What we do not take into consideration is their
Sexual harassment is a demeaning practice, one that constitutes a profound affront to the dignity of the employees forced to endure it. By requiring an employee to contend with unwelcome sexual actions or explicit sexual demands, sexual harassment in the workplace attacks the dignity and self-respect of the victim both as an employee and as a human being. Sexual harassment is well defined as an unwelcome sexual request for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. In many countries, sexual harassment is considered a form of sexual abuse and employment discrimination. Sexual harassment is most prevalent is organizations both professional and academic, though it can occur almost anywhere.
Some people wonder what is racial profiling. Racial profiling deals with miss-education, slavery, and incarceration. Since the beginning of slavery African Americans have suffered due to their identity. Racial profiling deals with selecting a person for their complaint of a specific racial group. The main reason in advocating racial profiling in the background of criminal study can enlarge the possibility of arresting criminals. Paul Bou-Habib stated, “If the rate at which members of a specific racial group commits a crime is higher than that of other criminals will be caught if the police concentrate their efforts on investigating members of the racial group in question?” (2011, p.34). It is injustice, when police officers, political officials, and judges have learned how to automatically have a racist attitude towards blacks. For example, my friend was in McDonald’s parking lot and he was in the process of switching seats with his friend because he was exhausted of driving. While leaving the parking lot, the officer had pulled them over because he seen a black guy get out of his car and thought something seemed suspicious. The officer implied that my friend did not use his right turning signal. The term “driving while black has been used to describe the practice of law enforcement officials to stop African-American drivers without probable cause” (Weatherspoon, 2004).
Sexual harassment is discrimination that involves any uninvited comments, exploits, or behavior regarding sex, gender, or sexual orientation. If any type of violation is made by a co-worker, a boss, a work acquaintance, or even a non-employee such as a client, vendor, or contractor, this will be considered unlawful sexual harassment within the work environment. Sexual harassment can create a hostile and uneasy work environment. Sexual harassment includes inappropriate verbal advances, unwelcomed physical behavior that creates an aggressive, hostile, intimidating or malicious work environment for employees. Sexual harassment includes sending suggestive e-mails, notes, and
Before we delve into the specifics, a few definitions are in order. According to the Bureau of Labor Management (2007), a hostile work environment is a form of harassment and is demonstrated by such severe and pervasive conduct that permeates the work environment and interferes with an employee’s ability to perform his or her job. Although legislation exists in more than 10 states, there currently is no federal or state law that explicitly or generally outlaws “bullying” at work or “hostile” work environments; instead, there are laws within Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, and others, that prohibit discrimination and harassment in most workplaces (Saade, n.d.). To add to this, it is “unlawful to discriminate against any individual in regard to recruiting, hiring and promotion, transfer, work assignments,
Organizations have an obligation to create a harassment free environment for its employees. Harassment doesn’t have to be of a sexual nature. An organization is liable if the harassment is so frequent or severe that it creates a hostile or offensive work environment or when it results in adverse employment actions such as the victim being fired, demoted, or transferred. Harassing a person based on their sex is illegal. Sexual harassment has a great impact on an employee’s productivity as well as poses a major impact on an organization’s finances in litigation.