
Hardships In Kate Chopin's 'The Storm'

Decent Essays

In life there are an innumerous amounts of hardships that society faces daily. Whether it is the loss of a love one, a job, a friend or a material thing it is something that people deal with on a regular basis. In the story “The Storm” by Kate Chopin she use symbolism to show the hardships in marriage.
Before the storm Claixta was busy doing her sewing not worried about what was going on outside. Once she realized that the storm was approaching she quickly went into motion of gathering everything that could be damage by the storm. (Chopin) This is similar to marriage hardships because a person may be naïve to some of their marital issues and once it is brought to their attention they attempt to fix it. They may try to fix it with material things that do not truly solve anything. These material things only chips away at the surface problems but the internal problems are still there.
The storm had materialized and Claixta was overwhelmed with fear, she didn’t know where her family was at or if they were safe. Alcee was there to consul her and during this time he took advantage of her weakness and reminded her of …show more content…

She greets her husband as if nothing happened with a passionate kiss. This shows how she unaffected by her previous actions. She doesn’t show any remorse for the fact that she just kissed another man. In marriage people tend to block out the fact that they did something negative. It appears that Claixta has no remorse for her actions. When her husband gave her the can of shrimp she was delighted and gave him another kiss (Chopin). This shows how well a person can hide their infidelity. Up until the husband arrive home, it never crossed his mind what his wife was doing, his only concern was his son being dirty and how his wife would react. He was surprised that she greeted him so warmly. His actions represents how a person may feel like they are to blame for

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