
Harley Davidson Case Analysis

Decent Essays

Harley-Davidson Case Analysis Harley-Davidson should tailor is product and service offerings to the 55-64 year old segment, and expand its Rental and Rider’s Edge programs to continue growing Market leader in motorcycles - Market leader with 50% domestic and 32% global market share in motorcycles - Stock prices CAGR since 1989: 32% - American legendary lifestyle brand - Loyal customers: 900,000 members in Harley-Davidson Owner Group - 50% of sales to repeating customers Ageing customer base and difficulty to attract new clients - Average customer age grew from 35 in 1994 to 47 in 2004 - Young customers are not attracted by the brand - Women are still only 10% of clients - 2005 sales target cut back by 10,000 …show more content…

segment Expand Rental Program Expand Rider’s Edge Program Implementation plan Risks 1 To retain loyal customers beyond the age of 54, HDI should invest in targeted advertisement in short-term, and premium service and tailored bike models in the medium-term Launch targeted advert. campaign Launch comfort/premium motorcycles

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