
Harley Health Center Research Paper

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Health centers are a necessary part of all campuses across the nation. To have a health center on campus is a promise to all the students to provide them with quality health care that will help one maintain a physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual state of health. On the Sweet Briar College campus, that has always been a health center, however it has been moved from building to building from 1906 to 1925, where the infirmary was located in various buildings on campus, including the Sweet Briar House, and Faculty Row Guest House (Mary Harley Student Health and Counseling Center). The Mary Harley Health Center was built in 1925, and this was the first permanent home of the infirmary. The building was named after Mary Harley, who …show more content…

Cram is the main architect of Sweet Briar College, paired with Ferguson. Clark and Crowe were presumably chosen because they were local to the area. The center of the Harley Health Center is a two and one-half story, five bay, hip roof, brick building. It has a pedimented entrance portico on the north façade, and paired double end chimneys on the east and west ends. The central entrance is set within an arch with an “Adam- style fanlight and is flanked by windows set within stuccoed blind arches.” There are secondary entrances on the east and south elevations (Harnsberger, 218). There are secret gutters, and concrete coping on a slate roof with tin accents. The foundation of the building is poured concrete, the walls are brick and the roof is …show more content…

This is a smart design so that students that may become sick, with a contagious disease, will not affect the entire campus, they can become quarantined in a room, in a building separate from the rest of campus. The position of the building is important, it sits on top of a hill, and is in between the dormitories and faculty row, so it is not limited to certain persons that may access it, rather it is open to all those. It is also important to note that there used to be a doctor that ran the infirmary, where as today we have a nurse practitioner, a person who is not nearly as qualified as a doctor. This is because of the location. Before automobiles were more popular, before the towns of Amherst or Lynchburg were more established, going to a doctor would have been more difficult to access. Having a doctor on campus was very important to ensure the health and wellbeing of all the students at this

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