
Harmful Effects Of Eating Conventional Food

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As everyone knows organic foods have increased in popularity with the idea that it’s healthier than conventional foods. But with the lack of proof many people have a hard time backing up this idea. The nonbelievers would argue the lack of proof is evidence enough to not question conventional methods of making food, yet there remains a large group of people that would argue in favor of organic foods anyway. These organic food supporters tend to base their opinions off of the harmful effects pesticides have on soil and the ecosystem which makes sense. Pesticides were created in order to poison bugs, thus kill living creatures. Even if humans are larger and more complex than a mere little insect, poison is still poison no matter how big you are. One of the first experiments that proves there exists harmful effects when eating conventional food was conducted by Ria Chhabra, Santharam Kolli, and Johannes H. Bauer. With the use of fruit flies, Drosophila melanogaster, these scientists finally had a breakthrough that could change our eating and farming habits forever.
In their experiment they test several groups of fruit flies with three different types of food sources; organic, conventional, and regular lab food. They then examined several different aspects of the flies’ health. When examining the flies’ life spans the scientists concluded that the fruit flies that were fed only organic food lived several days longer (20-25% longer) than the fruit flies that were fed conventional

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