
Harold Crick In Stranger Than Fiction

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Harold Crick, the main character in the movie “Stranger Than Fiction”, goes through a profound change in his life after he starts hearing a narrator in his head. Harold Crick is an IRS agent with a ordinary life who never ventures out of his own comfort zone. After discovering that he is stuck in a plot driven by events beyond his control, Harold is advised that he might as well follow his lifelong dreams since his death is beyond his control.
Harold has a wide variety of personality traits that are both good and bad. The good ones being he has are being, he is Conscientious and his indifference towards others. These traits make Harold an individual who constantly follows the same process every day and also allows him to not care of what others think of him. But these traits can also be seen as bad since he isolates himself from the world around him instead of trying to integrate with it. By being isolated for so long it caused Harold to become almost robot like in his life with not wanting to venture out of his comfort zone. …show more content…

The idea that Harold knows he is going to die yet he has no control over it leads to a major life change. Harold starts becoming more spontaneous with his decisions do things. He no longer cares about routine but instead he starts to live a little and comes out of his comfort zone. He learns how to play the guitar and falls in love with Ana Pascal the woman he’s auditing. By experiencing life, the way it’s supposed to be lived we start to see what Harold crick’s character is truly like. His true character is shown when he meets the author that’s narrating his life and knows she is going to kill him. Harold accepts knowing he is going to die, and instead of trying to run from his death he accepts it. Harold knows he has to save the little boy from getting hit by the bus which would have killed him. His action gives us the greatest sense of Harold and his types

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