During my college career I gained experience through extracurricular activities that I took part in. My sophomore year I was ecstatic to be selected for an Honor’s English Literature course. Through the semester, four other students and I dove deep in the pages of Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe. We discovered five different themes used in the novel and created a powerpoint presentation, which we then delivered to the rest of the class. I enjoyed the research process and felt like I learned a lot more than I normally would have had I not been selected for the course. In my senior year, I was honored to be chosen by faculty to be one of the first two undergraduate teaching assistants. My duties involved composing a lecture, delivering
My current academics and extracurriculars that help me with my achievement are my animal science class, biology and my participation on the Vet Tech team in FFA. My Animal Science class provides information about veterinary experiences and what is expected to become eligible to work with animals and Vet Tech allows me to learn about
This will be my greatest achievement. I have maintained the status of honors or dean’s list every semester since enrolling in the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh. I carry a 3.7 GPA and participate in various clubs. This past spring, I participated in events through Titan Volunteer. Our club made dog toys for the humane society, helped install fire alarms with the American Red Cross, and even chaperoned at the local high school dance. I also assist with campus clean-up after major social events. In addition to volunteering, I am an Odyssey Leader; this involves supporting freshmen in their transition to college life and provides a fellow student as resource for questions and information regarding campus. I am vice president of a new campus organization focusing on herbal health remedies and green alternatives for household consumption. In addition to clubs, I plan to participate in this fall’s season for the women’s rugby. Aside from balancing school work and extracurricular activities, I have worked at Georgia Pacific as a student packager and forklift driver the past two years. This job allowed me to save money for a two credit biology course to the Florida Everglades. We created individual field journals full of different species and images. It was the trip of a life-time. I hope to travel more throughout my college career; it is vital to education, especially as an environmental studies major. I believe one must see the world and experience it to truly understand and help
I stay actively involved in many extracurricular activities. I am a member of FCCLA, Yearbook,
In addition of these qualities, I am an active participant within the extracurriculars in my school. While in 9th grade, and 10th grade, I participated in many activities, as indicated in the packet attached to this essay. And, outside of school, I enjoy going to piano and art lessons. Through the collected efforts of these activities, I have gained crucial knowledge and other attributes that helped me contribute to society, and to become a better leader.
The author Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote, Trails of a Housekeeper, to state a point to all men. I believe that the main idea of this work is to demonstrate that it is not easy for women to do all the housekeeping because they have problems just as others and also to show that some women are just not fit for housekeeping and can do what men do or something different. Beecher Stowe inserts a lord of creation to say, “what a fuss these women do… of managing a family,” in this paragraph the man is trying to say that housekeeping is easy and that a woman should have no problem while doing this responsibility. Although Stowe does not necessarily state that women have problems too or that some aren’t meant for the job, I can infer it while a women
Throughout my high school career, I have been involved in different professional societies such as the National Society of High School Scholars, Mu Alpha Theta (Math honors society), and Business Professionals of America. My involvement in these societies has made me knowledgeable in the logistics of how to run the society, and have taught me valuable skills such as leadership and collaboration. For logistics, I can help organize events such as fundraising activities or philanthropic events as I am currently on the social committee for Business Professionals of America, which is in charge of organizing social events for my chapter. As an elected member for the social committee, my chapter has shown faith in me for my leadership skills and collaboration skills. Overall, I feel like I can contribute a lot of my skills and knowledge to UIC honors college.
When I first made Dean’s List at Montgomery College in my second semester, I promised myself that it would be the beginning of my long list of awards in college in the US, and I am making it. Additionally, when I volunteered for Junior Achievement to teach sixth graders personal finance and educational and career goals, I knew it was going to be arduous because I am very shy. After all, using real-life situations and games, I got to connect with the children, show them that the more education one receives, the most rewarding job he or she will have, and teach them about budgeting. It was a wonderful experience because not only did I help them, but I managed to overcome my fear of public speaking. Actually, I believe that what most motivates me is the sense of fulfillment a well-done task provides.
During college, I focused on engaging in extracurriculars that focused on education that enabled self-advocacy. One my long-term extracurriculars was being an educator for Peer Health Exchange, a non-profit organization that trains college students to teach local high school students about different health issues. I facilitated a workshop on pregnancy prevention and later one on accessing health resources in various New York City high schools. Our goal was not to tell students right from wrong but to give them the information they needed so that they could make their own decisions regarding their health. Having gone to a high school that did not have formal sexual education, this was of great importance to me. In addition to this, I was briefly
As the sweat dripped down my back there was no uncertainty in my mind, my black word was worth nothing. Atticus stayed positive, he acted confident but he surely knew we didn’t stand a chance. The audience was disinterested like they knew what they were waiting for. Mayella couldn’t look at me; she knew how much damage she had caused me. All my life I have worked to support my family, and my kindness has led me to an argument where I stand powerless. This town hates people like me; my family and I are good people.
I’m involved in many activities at school including orchestra, choir, show choir, and athletics. These all prove me to be hard working and committed to making myself the best person I can possibly be. In sixth grade I was involved in Klein Academic Competition for the writing portion, and this year I will be taking the Duke University ACT test for all subjects.
I would continue to have students reading the novel in an Appalachian literature class. This books gives such a different point of view from many other pieces we have read and allows both the perspective of a person from Appalachia, and wants to return while also one who wants to run away from the idea of home. While it is the same person the whole time it is very important to be able to see both sides. There is both an insider and outsider perspective going all in one character. When the novel started D.R. seemed to just be a hippie deep in the counterculture movement without anything else to do. As he developed as a charter though I could see D.R. was just searching for something that could only be found at home. “I’m going to stay here for
Outreach continued to be a major part of my life during my undergraduate years. As a freshman, I joined the RPI Zeta Eta chapter of Alpha Gamma Delta Women’s Fraternity. Being a part of Alpha Gamma Delta gave me the opportunity to serve the community and raise money for our philanthropy, which supports diabetes education and awareness. Throughout the school year, we participate in several philanthropy and outreach events including Volunteering at the Boys and Girls club. During this event we set up some fun interactive activities with the purpose of educating the children about diabetes. In addition to joining Alpha Gamma Delta, I also began to set up study groups with several of my friends because I was grasping my course material quicker than many. Prior to our quizzes and exams, a small group of us would meet in a study room and I would go over practice problems on a whiteboard. Not only did this help me better prepare for quizzes and exams, but it was rewarding see my peers succeed. I decided to serve as a tutor in several of my
Throughout my high school career I have participated in many activities and been awarded many great honors. As a member of my high school color guard, I have led as co-captian and captain for four years, traveling across the country to compete. Beta Club has given me the opportunity to serve my local community and create a service project to reach the globe. I was asked to lead the volunteers at my church for the early service in the children's ministry area my sophomore year and I continue to serve in this position. During my junior year I was acknowledged as a junior marshal, a Wofford Scholar, and a Presbyterian College Scholar.
I was also involved for three and a half years in a student government club on campus. In this club I learned many life lessons. One of which was the value of hard work. I was one of the few people that organized the Junior/Senior Prom of 2000. My responsibilities included planning corranation, buying and organizing decorations, planning the busing schedule, booking the photographers, fundraising, ect. This taught me about hard work. But the best part of it was going to Prom knowing I was one of the only reasons that it happened.