JK Rowling, one of the most well-known authors, has an incredible $848 million net worth from the Harry Potter franchise according to MoneyNation, Rowling has made a fortune all thanks to her Harry Potter novels. In her first novel Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, Rowling answers many people’s very tough question: What happens when they are forced to choose between what they think is right and risking getting hurt or in trouble, or not standing up for what they believe in but staying safe and out of trouble. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone would suggest that standing up for what they think is the most important thing even if it can get them in trouble or hurt. Rowling reveals this through the character of Harry Potter, a young boy that finds out that he is a wizard.
In Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, Rowling tells the story of Harry Potter. Harry is a boy living with his very cruel Aunt Petunia, Uncle Vernon, and cousin, Dudley in England. A letter was addressed and sent to Harry, but Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia won’t allow Harry to open it, but many more letters are sent to Harry as well. A big man named Hagrid then comes and tells Harry that he is a wizard and has been accepted to one of the finest Wizarding schools, Hogwarts. Harry ends up meeting Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, two kids that are also going to Hogwarts that eventually turn out to be Harry’s best friends. When Harry gets to Hogwarts, he is picked to Gryffindor, probably the best school house. Harry then meets Professor Snape, the potions teacher, who seems to hate Harry very much. Snape gives Harry cold stares and picks on him
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People that are fans of fantasy will like this book even more, but people that like Mysteries or Thrillers will also love this book because you could categorize Harry Potter into one of these two categories
She continued to write Harry's story in every available moment. Finally, in 1995, she finished the manuscript. Rowling found an agent, and he began the hunt for a publisher. Finally, in 1997, seven years after Harry became part of Rowling's life, his story was published, by Bloomsbury Publishers, for the children of Britain as Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Scholastic, Inc. purchased the American publication rights to the novels, and the first book was renamed Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone for American readers. Potter-fever soon swept the entire world, and Harry's story became known as a literary phenomenon.
At the age of eight, Harry would begin attending a public school within Independence. Notably, it appears that his mother sent him five weeks late during his first year. Despite this, his teacher,
When Harry arrives at Hogwarts, he and the other first-years follow Hagrid into a giant castle. Harry and the other first years meet a strict Hogwarts teacher who tells them that they will be sorted into houses. These houses, she said, will be like your family-you will earn points for your house by triumphing, as lose points for trouble-making. They are told that they will be sorted into the houses depending on how well they do on a test. They are left to wait in silence. Suddenly a bunch of ghosts burst through the wall, talking, and see the students. They greet the students kindly and tell them they hope to see them in their old house. Based upon the talk of the kids, there is a bad house, Slytherin, that all bad wizards got into, even Voldemort.
The child may have escaped that night with only a scratch on his forehead, a scar that was not only a reminder of a horrific event, but also a connection between an innocent child and the evil lord Voldemort by transforming Harry into a Horcrux’s and making him the chosen one to defeat him when the time came. Harry Potter’s early years seemed normal, living with extended relatives who did not view him as their own and who seemed cruel to him at times. Missing his parents and always feeling like an outsider Harry finally reaches the age of 11, and finds out that it was time to go to “Hogwarts” the school for wizards. A place where the once lonely and neglected kid encountered true friends, some may say the best two friends anybody could ever ask for, Ron and Hermione and let’s not forget Neville Longbottom who will be a very
The series has been an international bestseller for many years now and has encouraged million of children to love reading, including one little girl from Minnesota...me. The first years of my elementary school experience were difficult for me, mainly because I hated reading. No matter how hard my parents and teachers tried to encourage me to read more, I refused, annoyed by the mere idea. Finally, in second grade my teacher showed me a colorful hardcover book titled Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Although I was incredibly skeptical, I very soon changed my mind. From the first sentence of “Mr. and Mrs. Dursley of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much” (Rowling, Joanne K. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone 7) to the very last line of “All was well” (Rowling, Joanne K. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 759) the Harry Potter series captured my attention and imagination. Soon I became an avid reader, devouring each Harry Potter book, as well as any other book I could get my hands on, which caused my test scores in reading and vocabulary to skyrocket, putting me near the 90th percentile for reading for the rest of my elementary school career. By sixth grade, I was reading at a 12th grade level and loving every minute of
At the same time, Harry Potter challenges authorities at Hogwarts and with the Dursleys against his control because he does not understand the community and himself. The Dursleys shelter Harry from the outside world, other than his cupboard under the stairs, which causes him to have little knowledge about himself. He challenges his position when he receives a letter regarding his acceptance to Hogwarts. The letter proves to Harry how he is unlike the Dursleys because Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia try hard to destroy it. They ultimately do not want Harry to find out the truth of his identity. For that reason, Harry challenges Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia when he pushes for answers of his past, especially the scar on his forehead. “In the
Harry goes through a series of fun and exciting experiences after getting the letter from Hagrid for his enrolment at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The adventure at Diagon Alley gives him the chance to learn about the world of magic through Rubeus Hagrid who is the Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts.
I think I can relate to Harry as well as everyone else can because the author gives Harry problems and attributes that everyone has. For instant Harry tries to be sneaky many times in the story.
Harry Potter is a fascinating tale of sorcerers, wands, broomsticks, dragons, and magic. The story begins with a young boy named Harry Potter who lives at number four Privit Drive, Surray, England. His journey begins after the death of his parents at the hands of the evil Lord Voldemort. Harry learns of his past and his future as a wizard from Hagrid, the keeper of keys and grounds at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He travels to Hogwarts where he learns spells and enchantments, makes new friends, finds enemies, and discovers fantastic secretes. J.K. Rowling weaves a web of impeccable storytelling with this critically acclaimed novel. In the tale of Harry Potter imagery, symbolism, and motif take central focus.
My book report is on the book 'Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone' by J.K.
Harry Potter is a fictional character invented by J.K Rowling in the series of seven books starting with Harry Potter and the Philosopher 's Stone and ending with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Wikipedia, 2015). Harry is the main character in this series whose parents died when he was young and he was brought up by his aunt and uncle (Philosopher’s Stone, 1997, p.5). Harry was neglected by his aunt and uncle (Philosopher’s Stone, 1997, p.27). Harry is presented a whole new reality when he goes to the zoo one day and his integration into the magical world changes him from the foundation. These changes within him will be analysed using the developmental psychology theories of Lawrence Kohlberg and Erik Erikson to explain how the environment aided or obstructed Harry’s development.
Harry Potter is living in the ordinary world with his Aunt, Uncle and Cousin who treat him with very little respect. He begins to receive mysterious letters which are addressed explicitly to him. His aunt and
In the Harry Potter series by J.K Rowling Harry starts of in the unfamiliar wizarding world of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. After lord Voldemort killed Harry’s parents he is sent of to his aunt and uncle's house as a baby. Harry does not like living with them but eventually at age 12 he gets a letter to attend hogwarts which he will soon find out that he is a wizard. After being sorted into one of the four houses (Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, ravenclaw and slytherin)he gets sorted into gryffindor and finds friends in his house(Ron and Hermione). They have to stick together and work together to defeat him. This leads to one of the themes for this book series being that “You are much stronger when with friends”.
As soon as Harry passed through that gate of nine and three-quarters he entered a kind of total institution. A place where he was cut off from the society that he knows and would then be controlled by the officials, or a principal and teachers. This happens because he can’t really go back home with out regretting it and when he gets there like always the principal and teachers basically control you anyway.
It is clear that the Harry Potter series has taken a journey on the Hogwarts Express to the road of international success. The “Harry Potter” series is the story of the eponymous boy, orphaned at birth and left in the care of the aunt and uncle along with the ill mannered son who make up the Dursley family who are known as “Muggles” (non-magical people). On Harry's eleventh birthday, Harry receives a letter from Hogwarts, a school that grooms young wizards and witches, and promptly enters a world of wonder and mystery. At Hogwarts, he meets his two closest friends, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger who begin there adventure together through love, friendship and learning about magic. Harry learns very soon that the death of his parents was no