
Has Hosting the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympics Games Been Successful in Fulfilling the Olympic Legacy?

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Has Hosting the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympics Games Been Successful in Fulfilling The Olympic legacy?
Has Hosting the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympics Games Been Successful in Fulfilling The Olympic legacy?

London was placed on the shortlist for the 2012 Olympics and Paralympics host city back in May 2004. The International Olympics Committee (IOC) eventually announced that London had been successful in July 2005 following a large campaign backing the bid. The bid for the games was led by London 2012; ‘a multi-agency stakeholder group, setting the vision and strategic direction for the games’ (Department of Culture, Media and Sport 2012).
204 competing nations, more than 10,000 athletes, two weeks of sports, and the games …show more content…

So therefore where the media exposes the benefits of hosting the games such as increased investment and development, this all has to be funded through public accounts which requires reduced benefits elsewhere, or cuts in household disposable income levels.

The sporting legacy of the 2012 Olympics was always at the forefront of government attention. The bid for the games featured the slogan ‘Inspire a Generation” with the reason behind the slogan being to trigger involvement of young people in sports and taking up new activities (Magnay 2012). There are two programmes introduced to encourage community sports; ‘Places People Play’ and a ‘Join in’ program.
‘Places People Play’ is a joint partnership initiative between Sport England and the British Olympic Association with the aim of “making the benefits of London 2012 visible in cities, towns and villages across the country” ( 2012). The goals involve the protection and improvement of hundreds of playing fields across the country, modernising and extending club facilities and ‘Sports Makers’ training, “providing free business skills, training and support to those doing the day-to-day running of community sports” (Sports England 2012).

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