
Hasta Mudras Essay

Decent Essays

The Dance therapy, especially Mudra therapy is involved in holding the hasta mudras to give the therapeutic effect. When we hold a particular hasta mudra the nerves get stimulated and it is passed to the brain via the spinal cord through the peripheral nervous system. To comprehend the stimulations, while holding the Hasta Mudras; and the process of carrying the impulses to the brain and back, we need to study the nervous system of the brain and its functions. The nervous system comprises the central nervous system, consisting of the brain and spinal cord, and the peripheral nervous system, consisting of the cranial, spinal, and peripheral nerves, together with their motor and sensory endings.
4.6.1 Central nervous system The central nervous system is composed of millions of nerve and glial cells, together with blood vessels and a little connective tissue. The nerve cells or neurons in the blood play a very major role in the transmission and reception of signals. The glial cells, termed neuroglia, are characterized by short processes that have special relationships to neurons, blood vessels, and connective tissue . These cells play a very major role in receiving and transmitting of the signals on stimulating while holding the corresponding hasta mudras.
4.6.2 Brain The brain is the …show more content…

Both the Cerebral and Cerebellar cortex are symmetrical and divided into right and left hemispheres. The superficial layer of the hemisphere has the gray matter and is a few millimeters in thickness; whereas the interior hemisphere is made partly of white matter with nuclei of gray matter in the Cerebellar cortex. The Gray matter has the bodies of nerve and glial cells in contrast to the white matter which consists of the processes or fibres of nerve and glial cells. The brain also has cavities in the interior portions known as ventricles. These ventricles are full of cerebrospinal

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