hat Distinguishes Friends from Food? An environmental lawyer named John Fiske was inspired by his ex girlfriends goal of making an animal farm sanctuary. Fiske gets more involved even after the breakup on raising awareness for slaughter-bound animals and how it is effecting things along the lines of global water pollution, climate change and extinction. For John Fiske it is bothersome how people are willing to eat pigs and cows but eating dogs and cats are forbidden without a valid explanation. There is an astonishing difference when looking at the numbers of how many farm animals to pet animals are killed. According to the Humane Society of the United States, “2.7 million dogs and cats were euthanized in shelters across the nation last year.
Approximately 7.6 million companion animals enter animal shelters nationwide every year. Of those, approximately 3.9 million are dogs and 3.4 million are cats.
While the bills roll in from puppy mills, dogs rollout dead. About 3.9 million of dogs go into mills each year, while a whopping 1.2 million
In some shelters, they are so crowded that puppies and kittens are euthanized. It is awful that some animals are killed before they get to really live. Up to 600 puppies and 1.4 million cats are euthanized each year. Cats have a worse stereotype so they are adopted less.
There are many animals that are abused everyday, or put in animal shelters due to owners disowning them. Every year about 70.1% dogs die from dog abuse. A quarter of them are killed in animal shelters due to no one adopting them, because so many people drop off dogs that there is no room in the shelters so they kill the dogs that have been there longest. Just think, at least one dog is killed every 72 hours. More than likely, a dog is killed in an animal shelter somewhere in the world every
In the United States, about 7.6 million companion animals enter animal shelters every year. The overpopulation of these animals and the fact that they have no homes leads to about 40% of them being euthanized (ASPCA). This is a global issue, but the root of it can be found within the local community at The Humane Society of the Ohio Valley.
Overpopulation of domestic animal is when there are more cats, and dogs than people want them as pets. As of today it is impossible to determine how many stray cats and dogs there is in the United States alone. The animal shelters estimate about 70 million stray cats in the United States alone. Cats can produce about two litters of six kittens every year, and a dog can produce one litter of six or more puppies per year.
A lot of animals go into the shelters each year. For example, in the article, “11 Facts About Animal Homelessness,” from www.dosomething.org, it states, “Approximately 7.6 million companion animals enter animal shelters nationwide
Sources say that ¨over 56 billion farmed animals are killed every year by humans and more than 3,000 animals die every second in slaughterhouses
There are approximately 2,900 animals that are abused, and tortured and eventually killed every single hour. Millions of animals each year live in terrible conditions and are forced to endure inhumane treatment all in the name of research. Here are only
Organization: Problem-Solution Introduction I. Attention Getter: According to the ASPCA.org, Approximately 7.6 million companion animals enter animal shelters nationwide, every year. 3.9 million of those companion animals are dogs and 3.4 million
The statistics are outrageous when it comes to the number of abandoned and neglected animals that are homeless or have to live out their lives in shelters all because owners take it upon themselves not to have their furry friends operated on. An estimated 11,000 pets in this country are euthanized daily, according to a Pet Smart Charities study—that’s half of the 8 million pets that land in shelters each year. Not all of these pets start out homeless. Half of U.S. pet owners who’ve had a pregnant dog or cat say the pregnancy happened “by accident,” according to statistics from the study (NAPS). This is only the number of unwanted animals that are actually caught; let us not forget about the feral animals on the street.
In the website aspca.org, it says that 7.6 million abandoned pets are saved by animal shelters every year. Out of these, 3.9 million are dogs, and 3.4 million are cats. 7.6 million pets is a lot, and not only that , but this is the number per YEAR! According to brainyquotes.com, Laura Mennell who works at an animal shelter said this, “Millions of animals are euthanized every year because shelters can't find homes for them. Buying animals from pet stores also tends to support puppy and cat mills, many of which have deplorable conditions for animals, which shouldn't be
According to the Human Society’s website, there are over 2.7 million adoptable cats and dogs that are euthanized each year.
These animals are euthanized because the animal shelters have ran out of space or if the animal has been there for too long. “1.5 million shelter animals are euthanized each year. Of that 670,000 of them are dogs each year” (“Pet Statistics” 2017). These dogs are only given a fews weeks to get picked up by their owner, until they become available for adoption for a few months before they’re euthanized. A tremendous amount of people don’t understand how we have enough animals in this world, we need to enjoy the ones we have.
The mistreatment of animals in the United States is often overlooked as a major issue. Many Americans will often show disdain for countries that consume animals that they consider to be family, such as cats and dogs. However, most Americans do not see the hypocrisy in the maltreatment of animals that are eaten, such as cows, pigs, and chickens. While many farms try their best to provide humane conditions, there are over 465,000 factory farms in the United States, where animals are treated as nothing more than a product.