
Hate Crime Enhancements

Decent Essays

Running Head: JUST OR UNJUST? Hate Crime Enhancements Hate Crime This is a misnomer as it often does not involve hate (McDaniel 2012). The definition has been vague. Moreover, not all States have laws against it. A general definition given this violation by all States is that it is a specific crime, which includes threats, harassment or physical harm to a specific person or group. That person or group is the target because of a prejudice against the person or group's race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or disability. A State determines its parameters as a criminal offense. The federal definition is that it is "the violence of intolerance and bigotry" with the intention to hurt and intimidate the target for his or their race, ethnicity, national origin, religious or sexual orientation or disability. The federal government stresses the importance of the tension between individuals or groups because of cross-cultural barriers (McDaniel). Examples and Penalties Hate crime is usually interpreted from vandalism, which inflicts damage to a religious building, a memorial, religious icons or buildings (McDaniel, 2012). The crime is viewed as motivated by bias or prejudice. Because of their variety, penalties for hate crime are not uniform. Some States impose jail terms, large fines or even the death penalty. As a consequence of a law passed in 1994, the federal government is likely to increase the penalty. In addition, a three-part guide to

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