
Hate Speech Research Paper

Decent Essays

Jodie Tatem
English 101
Hate Speech

Hate speech has increasingly gotten worse over the past few years. What is Hate Speech? Hate Speech is speech that offends, threatens, or insults groups, based on race, color, religion, sexual orientation, or disability. Hate Speech has always existed in History but became and ongrowing problem when the internet was first introduced. Because the First Amendment states that everyone has the freedom of speech, it is assumed that throwing out racial slurs and being very biased is included in that right. Everyone has the right to voice their own opinion, but who gets to decide where to draw the line when it goes way too far? It is hard to determine who should be able to control and regulate those inflicting …show more content…

It gets very tiring and old seeing people bash each other with racial slurs and very awful language. White, Black, or Yellow, everyone participates in hate speech. It is time that the internet be monitored for hate speech because it IS a crime. Article 20 of the UN international covenant on Civil and Political Rights states that “any advocacy of national, racial, or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility, or violence shall be prohibited by law”. The effects of monitoring Hate Speech on the internet would be less cyberbullying. Another effect would be a much brighter and healthier generation. Hate Speech should not be tolerated and should be monitored to ensure that everyone has safer and much more pleasant experience on the internet. After too many incidents from people who like to bully innocent people, more regulation by different governing entities should be made to keep the innocents and bystanders safe from hatemongers …show more content…

It was never imagined all those years ago that hatred would be expressed through a computer to affect a person on the other side receiving the narcissism. Hate Speech has a very negative impact on those who are viewing it on the internet. That hatred is then passed along to others to share who have the same beliefs and want to condemn the people who are different from them. All this hatred is on the internet for the world to see. As a result, people have learned to accept it as a social norm in today’s society. This is completely wrong. People should not accept people’s negative criticism. Doing this will lower everyone’s self esteem or allow them to think that being racist or a bigot is acceptable and not punishable. People should be punished for Hate Speech on the internet, Since it IS a crime. The UN International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights article 19 states “Everyone shall have the right to hold opinions without interference. Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression--It may therefore be subject to certain restrictions--For respect of the rights or reputations of others--For the protection of national security or of public order, or of public health or morals (Eissens, Ronald).” The majority of the Hate Speech is targeted towards gays, women, ethnic groups, and religious minorities. How can there be a bright future for the world when every few months

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