
Hatshepsut: The Greatest Pharaoh Of Ancient Egypt

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The greatest pharaoh of all ancient Egypt is Hatshepsut. Hatshepsut was born in 1508 BC and died in 1458 BC. She became pharaoh in 1478 BC and ruled until 1458 BC and was a leader of the 18th dynasty. Hatshepsut was married to her half brother Thutmose II. She originally became regent, then soon asserted herself pharaoh (Ducksters: Ancient egypt). Soon after becoming pharaoh Hatshepsut began dressing as a king. The powerful woman proves herself worthy of such a position by leading troops into battle and creating large monuments to honor Egyptian gods. “Hatshepsut lead Egypt in a time of prosper and wealth. Hatshepsut also brought back many Egyptian traditions that pharaohs before her seemed to forget about.” (khan academy: egyptian pharaohs)

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