
Having A Child With A Disability On A Family Essay

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Having a child with a disability can cause various hardships on a family. Families with a child with a disability can cause strains on finances, parental employment, and relationships within the family. After analyzing research done by a variety of sources the following essay should convey the findings in regard to the affects raising a child with a disability has on a family. One idea to keep in mind is disabilities have a variety of different impacts on a family, not all will impact a family the same way.
In the research by Parish, Rose, Grinstein-Weiss, Richman, and Andrew (2008) the topic of material hardships of a family is discussed. The research shows that many families with a child with a disability are financially below the poverty …show more content…

al (2014) it is suggested promoting a positive relationship between all family members is beneficial to the family. According to Whiting (2014) 9% of families stated that having a child with a disability led to a family break-up. Whiting (2014) suggests that 23% of parents believe having a child with a disability brought them closer.
While analyzing the article by Parish et. al (2008) the reader could tell that having a child with a disability can cause financial hardships effecting the family’s meals, housing, and telephone services. As the research suggests 28% of children with disabilities are below the national poverty level (Parish et. al, 2008). The research would suggest the biggest barrier for families with a child with a disability would be money. Therefore parents may not be able to pay for services that could benefit their child.
Most schools have established realistic expectations for their students and parents based on the location. In my current location, all of my students on receiving welfare services from the state. The school is well aware of the situation and attempts to provide the parents with as many services as they can. The occupational therapist for the school has a large amount of knowledge about the local health care system. She helps many parents receive other services that the school cannot

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