15. Hawaii a heaven of scenic beauty:
When a state is referred in a country then it’s in the country but when it comes to Hawaii it’s slightly different as even it’s not in America it’s a state in United States of America. It’s the last ever state to join the Union as the 50th state on august 21t 1959. Since then it has grown into one of the leading tourist destinations in the world and within the country itself. That is because the state is fully located in Oceania comprising islands all over with its great scenic beaches.
Over view: In Polynesia it is the north most island group. This state comprises of the whole lot of islands spread over almost 2500kms in pacific ocean and are formed by and volcanic action at undersea magma source and that is known as hot spot of Hawaii. This action is being processed since then an continuously forming new islands and yet the hot spot is still at the same place. As the hot
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It shelters one of the best military installations in the world. One among them is Schofield barracks, which were formed for the defence purposes of pearl harbour and all the Islands of Hawaii. It was formed in 1908 and serving enormously since then, comprising 25th infantry division and also called as tropic lightning division and also plays as head quarters of command in Hawaii for United states of America. It also shelters many facilities of military as Bellows air force station in Waimanalo, Hick am air force base and Fort Derussy and fort shafter army bases in Honolulu, Pohakula army training center, triple medical center army base, wheeler army airfield in Johnson, station Maui in Wailuku, USCG ISC coast guard in Honolulu, and MCB Hawaii marine Corp in Kaneohe etc. There are many more army installations settled in Hawaii for the prosperity and defensive strategy to guard United
Hawaii O'o were found in a forest on the big island of Hawaii. They are glossy black with a brown shading at the belly. (The scientific name for the Hawaii O'o is Moho Nobilis)wikipedia.com . They were last heard and seen 1934,and extinct in 1987.(international2016)
Close your eyes and imagine this: an immense ocean, stretching far and wide, and when you look down, nothing but deep blue. Now imagine looking out into the sky, and seeing the faint outline of land rising in the horizon. These are the Hawaiian Islands. As you get closer, it looks like you’re seeing dark heads poking out of the water. As you arrive even closer so that the individual fronds of the palm trees are visible, you realize that they are actually dark heads popping out of the water. For a second, you almost believe that they could be mermaids, but in fact, it turns out that they are the women of Hawaii coming out to welcome you with song! Welcome to Liliuokalani’s world.
In my opinion, article #1, Hawaii: The Land of Many is more informative and useful for a person who knows nothing about the sugar plantations in Hawaii. In the first reading it talks more about how the sugar industry started in Hawaii, and what happened throughout the boom of the sugar industry. Also throughout the first article it describes what problems arose during the time of the sugar industry and how they overcame some of the problems, like having immigrants work on the plantations. The main difference is that the first article talks about what went on with the business in the 1800s and 1900s, workers, and changes in the economy.
Maui is the second biggest island in Hawaii, although it has a fairly small population. Hana highway is a popular for its gorgeous views, waterfalls and hairpin turns. Meanwhile, you can watch large whales breach on the shorelines of Lahaina or stand amid the clouds on top of Haleakala. As the largest island in Maui county, this beautiful isle has 144,444 residents.
Do you think that a wish can make you lose someone you love dearly? In the “Monkey’s Paw” by W.W Jacobs a family is torn apart when a cursed paw is given to Mr. White is the most responsible for Herbert’s death, will be seen through several examples from the text.
Geoffrey Chaucer portrayed a cross section of medieval society though The Canterbury Tales. "The Prologue" or foreword of this work serves as an introduction to each of the thirty one characters involved in the tales. Two of these characters are the Kght and the Squire, who share a father and son relation. These individuals depart on a religious pilgrimage to a cathedral in Canterbury. The Squire, opposed to the Knight, goes for a vacation instead of religious purposes. His intent is not as genuinand pure as his father's.
War era in Hawaii was a historical time that Hawaii will never forget. Hawaii being in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, made every country wanted to own Hawaii as it would be a great place to land military and naval bases. Military bases started as early as 1898 but real use of the military was not used until the attack on Pearl Harbor. By 1939 Pearl Harbor became the largest base in the Hawaiian Islands, which hosted “one battleship dry-dock, two above ground oil tank farms, a hospital, Navy and Army airfields, a submarine base, and many other facilities” (Chen, par. 2). United States was the first to land naval bases, air corps and military first to be prepared of an attack from the Philippines, but it was planned wrong when Japan did
There became an inevitable influence of American plantations, but Hawaii knew if they lost their independence, they would be annexed by the United States (US Department of State). As the number of American plantations grew, their dissatisfaction with the Hawaiian government grew (US Department of State). Then in 1887, they forced the king to agree to an elected government ruled by the planters. Finally in 1893, the king was overthrown and the new government requested to be annexed by the United States right away (US Department of State). At first they refused, but then they were finally accepted as a territory in 1898 (US Department of State). Then after Alaska was accepted as a state, Hawaii was then added to the list of states for America. Hawaii is now seen as a major tourism spot, with more than 4.5 million people visiting the state every year (US Department of State). Americans and other citizens from neighboring countries flock to Hawaii for spring break, honeymoons, and business trips. But because of the current struggling economy, the major income for the state is declining at a shocking rate. Hawaii just suffered one of the worst winters as far as hotel occupancies, linked to tourism (Martin). The rates were the lowest the have been in five years, dropping 75%, the lowest since the Persian Gulf War in 1991 (Martin). These problems are being increasingly influenced by the unwelcoming feelings towards business travel, especially with the recent problems with
main island, but the most populated city is Honolulu. All of the islands have a vast
There are many different types of volcanoes in the United States. Composite, Ciner and Shield are the three types of volcanoes. Over the history of Hawaii, covering about 85 million years, there have been 129 volcanoes formed due to the hot spot and of that 129, 123 of them are extinct or seamounts. In Hawaii today, there are currently five active volcanoes, Lo'ihi, Kilauea, Mauna Loa, Hualalai and Haleakala. Lo'ihi is the only underwater volcano in Hawaii; the other four volcanoes are above sea level. Kilauea is a hyperactive shield type volcano. Volcanoes are mainly found where tectonic plates are diverging or converging. The Mid Ocean Ridge is an example of divergent tectonic plates pulling apart, where the Ring of Fire is an example of convergent tectonic plates pushing together. Hawaii today is comprised of many different volcanoes with several different volcano types.
The topic of media bias has been the focus of many conversations in our society recently. I believe that this is a very important topic to discuss because most of the information we are receiving comes from one media outlet or another. More often than not, people will only hear one side of the story because they believe that the news being told to them is the most accurate. In reality, most news stations have their own agendas, resulting in the omission of some truths. These days, media bias can be observed almost everywhere we look. Today, there are many people who immerse themselves in the news that they are being told, so much so, that they believe nothing else. People are often so entrenched in their beliefs, it keeps people from being open
When people plan to attend Hawaii they think of beautiful beaches, great exotic food, and the smell of wonderful flowers never before smelt. That is exactly what they get, from turquoise blue water to skyscraping palm trees Hawaii has so many exotic things to see. Also all the great smells of Hawaii from the wild fruit to the roasted pig on the beach Hawaii definitely brings to mind one thing happiness. In Hawaii there are many things that bring happiness to mind such as the extravagant smells, not to mention the beautiful sights, and most of all the spectacular taste in the exquisite food they have in Hawaii.
The Island of Hawaii sits on (almost in the middle of) the Pacific Plate. The Pacific Plate is a giant jigsaw piece of the Earth’s crust that is slowly moving in a northwesterly direction. It moves about four inches a year. There is a basically stationary hot spot deep within the Earth’s mantle. Heat from this hot spot makes molten lava and rock (magma) that rises through the Pacific Plate and erupts continuously on the ocean floor. After thousands of eruptions and over many many years, an island forms a rocky
When we ask people what they think about Hawaii, they will probably say paradise, ocean, holiday and beach. However, the islands are accessible to some kinds of natural disasters, such as earthquakes and volcanoes that I learned in Geology class. No one will recognize that the Hawaii is the island most likely to feel it. Volcanoes and earthquakes are natural hazards in Hawaii especially earthquakes that have great destructive potential and its have destroyed many other places in Hawaii and killed hundreds of people. There are many differences between volcanoes and earthquakes. These two types of natural disasters can compare or contrast to each other. They are different in three things: the geology, the process, and the effect, but volcanoes and earthquakes are related it. We need to predict and reduce the damage of the natural disaster in Hawaii, so we have to know more details about.
Hawaii is located in the central Pacific Ocean; it is one of the many islands in Polynesia. It is composed of eight main islands: Niihau, Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Lanai, Kahoolawe, Maui and the Island of Hawaii, the island of Hawaii being the largest island of the eight (see attached map). According to the census bureau, as of 2014, Hawaii ‘s population is approximately 1,419,561 with Native Hawaiians forming only 10% of the population; in order to be considered a Native Hawaiian you must have one native great-grandparent (2014 United States Census Bureau). Hawaii’s official languages are English and Hawaiian. Hawaii was first occupied by people coming from the Marquesas Islands approximately 1500 years ago followed by people from Tahiti. In 1778 Captain Cook arrived in Hawaii finding approximately 300,00 Hawaiians there. In the 1850’s Hawaiians worked in sugar cane plantations. In 1983 Queen Liliuokalani was deposed and in 1900 Hawaii became a United States Territory. Fifty-nine years later, in 1959, Hawaii became the 50th state of the United States. Tourism plays a huge role in Hawaii’s culture; it is a big part of its economy and social life. This paper will be discussing Hawaii’s tourism and it’s effects.