
Hawaii Personal Statement

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During my life, I never had a passion that I could stand beside and truly be proud of. Everyone around me seemed to be interested in so many things and I could not answer my own question of what I was passionate about. As high school ended, I carried a constant fear that I would never discover my purpose and the right career path. Over this past year I have finally realized that I was born with a natural interest and love for animals. My interest in Hawai’i Pacific University is for more than just the marine biology program. Moving to Hawaii and going to school at the University would offer me numerous opportunities to interact with other people who have the same passion as I do. I would be able to reach out to businesses and make connections with organizations that relate to my major. Living in Iowa is not practical when I am wanting to pursue a occupation that is usually not located in the middle of the United States. Staying in Iowa for school would still give me great …show more content…

I know that the University has many international students and it would be amazing to get to know everyone and learn about their background. I am excited to make connections and I’m looking forward to learning about different cultures and also Hawaiian history. It may come as a surprise, but Iowa does not get very many international visitors. I would take advantage of my new life and approach it with a positive and friendly attitude.
To help understand where I am coming from, I would not take this opportunity for granted. I waited my whole life to discover what I am passionate about and to go to school in Hawaii is a goal waiting to be achieved. Hawai’i Pacific University is a great way for me to open new doors and to take another step towards my desired profession. My lack of knowledge in the past will help me succeed greatly by now knowing that this is what I am meant to do and I’m going to give

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