Hawaii is a vast and beautiful state with many cultures. This is the 50th State in the United States of America and is located in the North Pacific Ocean. Hawaii is very different from all of the other states because it is made up of 7 Islands. This amazing state is one of the first states where people grew coffee. Hawaii is known for their beautiful environment. Surfing is a sport that began in Polynesia, but the first Polynesian settlers to land in Hawaii probably had practiced a simple version of surfing or wave riding, as it was called. After a few hundred years of riding the waves of Hawaii, the Hawaiian form of the sport emerged. The history of Hawaii began when the first polynesians arrived in an outrigger canoe in 300-400 A.D. The first people to live on the island were the menehune. They came 2,000 miles north of Tahiti. In the year 1100 more polynesians migrated from society islands. Spanish sailors visited Hawaii in 1627. In the ship’s log they wrote about a volcano eruption. In 1778 Englishman James Cook of the british navy discovered Hawaii. In the 1780’s other European and U.S. trading ships began to arrive on there way to China. Disease brought from other parts of the world killed many of the Hawaiians. In 1900 Hawaii became a United …show more content…
I’ve learned so much about this state and its fascinating animals and traditions. I love that the state bird is the Nene, “Hawaiian Goose”. A tradition that sounds so fun is a luau. This is a traditional party with a feast and dances. The women do Hula dancing, where they tell a story while dancing and moving with their hands. An instrument played at a luau is a Ukulele. Writing this report was a great experience because I was able to learn about this beautiful and amazing state. I love that this state is so different from any other state, since it’s made up of islands. I think that’s really
Less than ten percent of Hawaii’s population is true, native, pureblooded Hawaiian. The influx of immigrants came as an reaction to find work for the sugar fields. The Chinese immigration into Hawaii began in the latter part of the eighteenth century. They were the first wave of immigrants to arrive on the islands, followed by Japanese, Portuguese, Filipinos, and Koreans. It has been noted in history, as far back as Captain Cook’s arrival in 1778, that Chinese presence began to occur. Since the increasing trade between China and North America, Hawai’i became an essential stop along the trade route. The first group of indentured Chinese plantation recruits arrived in 1852. “Between 1852 and 1856, several thousand Chinese were brought into
A large number of Japanese initially migrated to Hawaii in the late 18th and early 19th century as a result of enormous boom in Hawaiian sugar industry. They also entered
Hula: Hawaii is known for hula dancing and local halaus (hula schools) in Maui often have demonstrations.
Polynesia was a massive country forming a triangle that stretched between New Zealand in the west, Rapa Nui in the east, and Hawaii in the north. This triangle covered 10 million square miles. It was discovered by these amazing people who were like the astronauts of the time, because of their amazing exploration skills. Remarkably, these Polynesians arrived in Hawaii 1,000 years before Columbus sailed to the Americas. They were considered some of the greatest explorers in all of history. These explorers were able to discover every livable land mass and island in the Pacific, without the use of modern technology. All they had were canoes that were very similar to the Hokulea. Polynesian explorers relied heavily on the stars, winds, waves, and other signs from nature to navigate the ocean.
Hawaii, translated from the ancient Hawaiian language should mean paradise because that's what it is. Hawaii has a climate that varies only several degrees in temperature year round and the sun always shines. The rainy season is in January, but it isn't so rainy that it deters visitors. In fact, winter is one of the most popular times of year to visit Hawaii. This is probably because it is cold and dreary just about everywhere else in the United States. Hawaii makes for the perfect getaway for Californians because it is only about a three-hour flight.
Living on the Hawaiian island of Oahu offers its own beauty like no other island in the chain. No Hawaiian island is the same; each one has something different to offer, as they all have beaches and hikes. The island of Oahu is a beautiful and interesting place thanks to its diverse beaches and spectacular hiking trails. Laniakea beach and Pupukea Beach Park are two of the best beaches on the North shore for snorkeling, scuba diving and merely wading in the water.
Then in the 1980's came the voyages of rediscovery navigated by Nainoa Thompson from Hawaii to Tahiti and from Tahiti back to Hawaii. Thompson was the first Hawaiian to sail this route in over 500 years. The voyages in between took the Hokule'a (some 16000 miles) to the Society Islands, Cook Islands, New Zealand, Tonga, Samoa and back home via Aitutaki, Tahiti, Rangiroa in the Tuamotu Archipelago (Baybayan, Kawaharada, 1996). The Hokule'a became the symbol of pride in Polynesian heritage that links all the people of Polynesia together.
American Hawaii Hawaii is known for its beautiful beaches, it’s nice year-round weather, and its culture. Thousands of vacationers come to Hawaii each year to get away from the stressful city and relax. But do they know how cruel the Americans were to the natives? Do they know how we corrupted their culture and their religion? Do they know how Hawaii really became a state? Probably not. When most people think of Hawaii, they think of happy Hawaiian babes hula dancing and palm trees swaying in the warm breeze. Hawaii has still held on to many of their traditions although they were invaded by Americans. But you have to go to a museum to see their old way of life. Hawaii is now populated mostly by Americans.
The flower leis are especially the most alluring things about the Hawaiian culture. Flower leis are one of Hawaiian culture's most recognizable customs. In Hawaiian culture the lei should be offered graciously with a kiss and removed in private. It is often considered rude if you remove it in front of the person who gave it to you. The Hawaiian language adds to the one of the interesting things in this culture. It is comprised of five vowels and eight consonants, this is the shortest alphabet in the world. Lastly, the hula. It is comprised of swaying the hips, graceful hands, and colorful costumes. It has two major forms the ancient, and the
Hawaii, also known as the “Aloha State” is located North of the Pacific Ocean and is known for its beautiful views, lush environment, and most of all, for its traditional dance, the Hula dance. The misconception that I have, along with many other people, is that this dance mainly involves moving your arms and hips from side to side in a peaceful manner. To me, hula dancing is being performed during a luau with instrumental calming music and the dancers are swaying to the beat. In other forms, it can also be very fast paced with the dancers moving their hips in a very quick motion. When I think of Hula dancers in Hawaii I envision that the people performing the dance are happy because it is a celebration of their culture and history. People often forget the importance of hula dancing because tourism and popular culture, therefore it is not appreciated in the form that it should be. Thesis: This essay will look at the cultural importance of the hula dance by evaluating all of its history, variety, and presentation forms.
Hawaiian is unique among the fifty states, especially in regards to its native music form, which is still preformed, and captivates audiences even today. Hawaiian chanting, music, and dance are not only key parts of life on the island, but have also become cultural icons as well as profound symbols of nature and religion in Hawaii. Hawaii has a rich history, beginning with the early settlers from Polynesia who brought their traditions and religions to Hawaii. Over the years, the inhabitants took those traditions and adapted them to their new home, creating the definitive culture that, even with Western influences, still is a captivating force within the society.
better. In 1959, Hawaii became part of the United States of America. This did wonders
Clark make canoes to finish the trip to the Pacific. They made it to the Pacific on November 15,
The annexation of Hawaii was an important event in the history of the world. It is still not easy for the Hawaiians to accept the fact that America had taken over a land 2500 miles away from the West Coast. In 1917 Hawaii was considered the 50th state supported by the islanders after a plebiscite. Queen Lydia Kamakaeha Liliuokalani was overthrown because of the support of the United States army as well as naval forces to a group of businessmen belonging to the sugar and pineapple industry. The Armed forces of the United States were ordered to provide this support on the directives of the minister of the United States to Hawaii. In reality they were missionaries who had been welcomed for several years by the