
Hawaii Vs America

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The purchase of Alaska ended Russia's attempt to expand into the Pacific coast of North America. The United States of America wanted Hawaii because it was strategically located in the mid pacific. Both states are now widely visited for their snowy mountains and sunny beaches. There was a lot more than just purchasing Alaska and taking over Hawaii.
Russian explorers had explored Alaska's coast and inward land in 1725. They found the land was filled with many rich natural recourses. For example, gold and silver. They also found very few inhabitants. The United States of America had big interest in Alaska. Russia lacked the recourses to support large colonies and have a military presence in Alaska. Especially after their defeat in the Crimean War. This further reduced Russia's interest in Alaska. This also grew the United States of America's interest in Alaska. Russia then offered to sell Alaska to the …show more content…

The state of Hawaii's nickname is "The Aloha State". Hawaii became officially a state of the United States of America on August 21, 1959. With all of the Hawaiian islands combined, Hawaii is the fourth seventh largest state in the United States of America. Hawaii is about two thousand, four hundred miles southwest of San Francisco. The one hundred thirty two Hawaiian islands have a total are of six thousand, four hundred twenty five square miles. The largest island is Hawaii, which is know locally as the "Big Island". Hawaii as a population of one million, two hundred thousand people as of the year of 2014. Hawaii also has an average winter temperature of 78 degrees Fahrenheit and an average summer temperature of 85 degrees Fahrenheit. One of the major landmarks in Hawaii is the Pearl Harbor Memorial of the U.S.S. Arizona at the bottom of the Harbor. Finally, Hawaii is also one of the most vacationed spots in the entire

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