The purchase of Alaska ended Russia's attempt to expand into the Pacific coast of North America. The United States of America wanted Hawaii because it was strategically located in the mid pacific. Both states are now widely visited for their snowy mountains and sunny beaches. There was a lot more than just purchasing Alaska and taking over Hawaii.
Russian explorers had explored Alaska's coast and inward land in 1725. They found the land was filled with many rich natural recourses. For example, gold and silver. They also found very few inhabitants. The United States of America had big interest in Alaska. Russia lacked the recourses to support large colonies and have a military presence in Alaska. Especially after their defeat in the Crimean War. This further reduced Russia's interest in Alaska. This also grew the United States of America's interest in Alaska. Russia then offered to sell Alaska to the
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The state of Hawaii's nickname is "The Aloha State". Hawaii became officially a state of the United States of America on August 21, 1959. With all of the Hawaiian islands combined, Hawaii is the fourth seventh largest state in the United States of America. Hawaii is about two thousand, four hundred miles southwest of San Francisco. The one hundred thirty two Hawaiian islands have a total are of six thousand, four hundred twenty five square miles. The largest island is Hawaii, which is know locally as the "Big Island". Hawaii as a population of one million, two hundred thousand people as of the year of 2014. Hawaii also has an average winter temperature of 78 degrees Fahrenheit and an average summer temperature of 85 degrees Fahrenheit. One of the major landmarks in Hawaii is the Pearl Harbor Memorial of the U.S.S. Arizona at the bottom of the Harbor. Finally, Hawaii is also one of the most vacationed spots in the entire
After discovering America by Christopher Columbus, European started to fight over land. France and England were fighting over land in North America, and the reason for establishing the New France, at first was for fur trade.
The Spanish-American war gave the push that the American government needed to make a final decision over Hawaii. The Hawaiin Islands were known as the
Compared to other islands in the Pacific Ocean, what was unique about the acquisition of the Hawaiian archipelago by the United States was it’s geography along with the natural resources that were provided. In 1856, the Guano Islands Act was passed to allow for the annexation of unclaimed islands with deposits of guano rich in nitrogen, phosphate, and potassium for use in commercial agriculture. In 1867, the Secretary of State William H. Seward negotiates the purchase of Alaska from Russia which includes the Aleutian islands that stretch from the Pacific Ocean. In 1875, the reciprocity treaty gets rid of the tariffs from the exports of sugar and rice. And the U.S. landowners in Hawaii negotiate this treaty between the kingdom of Hawaii and the United States for the free trade of the Hawaiian sugar into the U.S., in return for the land around Pearl Harbor, in order to build a strong powerful U.S. naval base.
In 1898 the united states gained control of several islands after the Spanish American war. After the war the united states promised to help them become stronger so they could be independent. However there were several issues such as shortages of food due to growing cash crops. After this the interest for Hawaii grew due to their port to china and East India and their sugar crop. The united states imperialized this area by creating sugar cane plantations
Russia sold Alaska to America after being at a loss for money. The coming paragraphs tell of what Russia did with the territory, when America bought Alaska, and what the United States eventually did with Alaska once they owned it. The purchase of Alaska was a huge turn around for America, ending the Russian presence in Northern America, keeping Britain from purchasing more land, starting the Klondike Gold Rush, and more. Before being known as the state of Alaska, the large state was formerly known as 'Russian America'. Alaska was found out and soon claimed by a collection of industries, fur trappers, and merchants all coming from Siberia.
The United States wanted to look beyond its borders and take over land. Most land was already
On March 30th 1867 the United States purchased Alaska from Russia for 7.2 million dollars. This was a bargain considering its potential and unknown natural resources. Due to tension
Because this purchase just about doubled the United States. This is just what the United States needed to go further into becoming a more developed country of its own. Having this purchase happen made the expedition of Lewis and Clark to explore the western part of the country. Also we helped stop a war that was gonna occur between the French and Great Britain. Despite the war the French needed the money to support their troops and country and we needed the land.
On March 30, 1867 Seward's Folly purchased the state of Alaska for 7.2 million dollars. The Treaty with Russia was negotiated and signed by Secretary of State William Seward and Russian Minister to the United States Edouard de Stoeckl. Many people though that this was a stupid purchase that would just put america into more debt. It took much time for Alaska to be purchased.Russia was the first to offer to sell Alaska to the United States in 1859, believing the United States would offset the designs of Russia’s greatest rival in the Pacific, Great Britain. Even though many saw this purchase as a REALLY stupid mistake, but the truth of the matter is Seward was wiser than everybody realized. That 7 million dollars that he paid for alaska
The United States purchased Alaska from the Russian Empire on March 30, 1867 for 7.2 million U.S. dollars. Alaska became a U.S. territory on May 11, 1912 and gained statehood on January 3, 1959. After the United States’ purchase of Alaska from Russia, controversy stirred as to the official boundary between Canada and the United States. The boundary separating the two countries was only vaguely defined at the time. The territory dispute dates back to 1821 between Russian and the British Empire, before the U.S. purchase of the territory. In 1825, Russia and the British Empire signed a treaty to define the international border. Land claims eventually overlapped after the U.S. purchase of Alaska from Russia with several British Empire claims located
On the 21st of August 1959, a small colony of inhabited Polynesian volcanic rock located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean became the 50th state named “Hawai’i”. Before Hawai’i became the 50th State, foreigners from the United States attempted to annex Hawai’i from its people and the Hawaiian Monarch for political and military gains. It all started as far back as 1893 when Hawai’i was ruled by Hawaiian Kings and Queens. All three attempts at annexation the United States Diplomats and foreigners failed until 1959 when Hawai’i declared Statehood. The United States Government and its political leaders celebrated along with a small portion of native islanders but sadden and dismayed the majority of native people felt it’s island being stolen
main island, but the most populated city is Honolulu. All of the islands have a vast
One way the U.S. would try to acquire countries was through war. In 1819, the United States acquired Florida from Spain with the Adams-Onis Treaty. This acquisition took a while to happen. There were a lot of battles between the United States and the Seminoles. This acquisition started when President Andrew Jackson invaded the Seminoles in
The annexation of Hawaii was an important event in the history of the world. It is still not easy for the Hawaiians to accept the fact that America had taken over a land 2500 miles away from the West Coast. In 1917 Hawaii was considered the 50th state supported by the islanders after a plebiscite. Queen Lydia Kamakaeha Liliuokalani was overthrown because of the support of the United States army as well as naval forces to a group of businessmen belonging to the sugar and pineapple industry. The Armed forces of the United States were ordered to provide this support on the directives of the minister of the United States to Hawaii. In reality they were missionaries who had been welcomed for several years by the
As pointed out by Keskes I. (2014), fundamentally, the empirical and meta-analytic studies suggest that subordinates working with transformational leaders are more committed to their organizations and demonstrate fewer withdrawal behaviours (Bono & Judge, 2003). Besides, Bass and Avolio (2004) maintain that transformational leaders perceive the strategic goals of the organization. They argue that transformational leaders are more sensitive to their environment and thus formulate and disseminate strategic goals that capture both the attention and the interest of their followers. Besides, managers who have a transformational leadership style will focus on the big picture of the organization and try to encourage the employees to have the same