
Hazing And Sororities

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In August of this year, hundreds of thousands of 18-year-old young men and women begin their college careers. These students have nothing but hope and optimism as they start to venture out on their own. As they start to meet new people, experience life on their own, and engage in a rigorous curriculum, many students find themselves looking for a social outlet. NCAA sports, club sports, church group, business club, architecture club, honors society, African American youth group, Hispanic youth group and thousands of other social/professional clubs surround campus to help students flourish in their new home. These social outlets allow for students to meet people with similar interests and aspirations, but they also challenge students to try new …show more content…

The techniques that are used by all fraternities and sororities are called rushing and hazing. Rushing is the act of popularizing a given fraternity or sorority to attract new members. As mentioned in the introduction, the alternate forms of rushing cover a large spectrum, but they all have the same goal: be the best to attract the best. Hazing is another variable method closely aligned with fraternities and sororities, but hazing for different fraternities and sororities can have vastly different outcomes. Hazing, in its most simple and basic form, is the imposition of strenuous or complicated tasks as a form of initiation. In contrast to popular belief, a lot of normal activity is considered hazing. For example, a college football team might tell the freshman that they are responsible for cleaning up loose garbage on the field after a practice. As mild as this example might be, hazing can be taken to an extreme and often has poor outcomes that can severely damage the psyche of an individual. However, a sense of tradition and continuation continually inspires hazing among social groups, but fraternities and sororities especially. Hazing has become a form a bonding that allow new initiates to become closer as a brotherhood or sisterhood; these two both being the most important part of fraternities and sororities. To create an everlasting bond, Greek organizations promote ultimate a familial intimacy that is unparalleled by other social groups. It is in this strive for brotherhood and sisterhood that mistakes are made and people begin to

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