
Hbs Apple Case

Best Essays

Business Strategy
Apple Case

09 March 2012

“All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer,
But what none can see is the strategy
Out of which victory is evolved.”

Sun Tzu (1)

1 Executive summary 2

2 Introduction 3

3 Apple INC.: An overview 3

4 Strategy Analysis 4

4.1 Branch of economic activity 4 4.2 The 8 key concepts 4 4.2.1 Competitive advantage 4 4.2.2 Long term 4 4.2.3 Organization 4 4.2.4 Scope 5 4.2.5 Environment 5 4.2.6 Resources 5 4.2.7 Stakeholders 5 4.2.8 Directions 5 4.3 Analysis of Apple’s external environment 6 4.3.1 Macro level, PEST analysis 6 4.3.2 Meso level, Five Forces Model 6 4.3.3 Micro level, Business …show more content…


This case will start with an historic overview giving all the timelines of major events within the Apple Inc. Corporation in chapter 3. This will be followed by a strategic analysis in chapter 4. As the news is now dominated with what is called a “war on intellectual property” this aspect in explicitly included in our analysis. By using a combination of strategic analyzing methods including the 8 key concepts, the macro, meso and micro levels of Apple and focusing on the five forces model of Porter we like to gain more insight why Apple is taken the actions Apple now is taking, especially in relation to their competitors. Finally from the analysis we will present a strategic advice that could be of value for Apple at this moment.

Apple INC.: An overview

Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak was founded Apple Computers on April 1st, 1976. Throughout Apples’ history there are a number of events that helped shape the company as we know it today.

Apple I: In certain aspects this machine was ahead of its time. However it was of modular design and the end-users needed to possess the knowledge to supply certain vital parts themselves, thus unsuitable for the general public.

The Apple marketing philosophy: In 1977 Mike Markkula, joined Apple as partner with the purpose of attracting venture

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