The Policy Process: Part I
Susan Kunz
HCS 455
July 6, 2011
Rich Jones
The Policy Process: Part I
Patient access to affordable health care is an ongoing issue in the United States. The first portion of the policy process involves three different stages, the formulation stage, legislative stage, and the implementation stage. Three main stages exist in the process to transform a topic into a policy (Morone, J. A., Litman, T. J., & Robins, L.S., 2008). Coupled with the implementation stage is an evaluation of all the stages to determine effectiveness and gather information for use in future public health care policy making. In the formulation stage, the ideas, concepts, and information steam from this process of policy making. The
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Medicaid, which is a separate federal funded insurance was intended to cover low-income, aged, blind, disabled individuals, parents, and their dependent children on welfare. However, the senior citizens are the population group most likely to be living in poverty, and only about half of these individuals have insurance coverage. The difference between 1965 and now, of course, is costs. Years ago spending more on health care in result covering more people were the whole point. The administration wants to broaden coverage, but cut spending.
The American Health Care system needs to be constantly improved to keep up with the demands of America’s health care system. In order for the American Health Care system to improve policies must be constantly reviewed. Congress still plays a powerful role in public policy making (Morone, Litman, & Robins, 2008). A health care policy is put in place to reach a desired health outcome, which may have a meaningful effect on people. People in position of authority advocates for a new policy for the group they have special interest in helping. The Health care system is formed by the health care policy making process (Abood, 2007). There are public, institutional, and business policies related to health care developed by hospitals, accrediting organizations, or managed care organizations (Abood, 2007). A policy is implemented to improve the health among people in the United States. Some policies
There are many reasons as to why each stage is implemented into the policies and procedures. Having guidelines and policies into place will allow everyone to understand that they must take the precautions with those who are infected with this disease. Health care providers must provider their services to those who are having issues such as HIV/AIDS on a personal level to allow them to feel comfortable to talk about the issue
Chapter five from the text Health Policy the organization, financing, and delivery of Health Care in America third edition by author Donald Barr M.D., Ph.D, confirms healthcare’s complexity. The text describes many healthcare, competitive options. Each time a health dilemma has arisen instead of repairing the current health care model, the government develops a new plan. Healthcare plans are similar to software upgrades. Each time a technological glitch occurs the software manufacturer creates an update of the previous version. Most often the software update is another expense for the consumer; not a viable option. Furthermore, the upgrade does not guarantee the new version will work any better. Typically, there is yet another glitch to fix in the latest version. In essence, the health care system should problem solve the healthcare plans that have failed.
The most important stakeholder in the healthcare policymaking is probably the patient. In Massachusetts, the Act provided “nearly universal health insurance coverage” (case study). In 2009 the
Although the Affordable Care Act (ACA) became law nearly five years ago, the rhetoric overt the law and its provisions continue in Congress and around every kitchen table in America. While no one disagrees the healthcare system prior to the passage of the ACA was flawed, healthcare reform under the ACA continues to evolve and is likely to continue evolving in the future. Despite this, it is the law, and the healthcare industry is doing its best to keep up with the law’s mandates. For the hospital healthcare administrator, there are numerous changes affecting how hospitals do business, not only with the insurance industry, but with patients as well. The following overview discusses the basics of the ACA, the positive and negative ramifications for hospitals, and the impact the law will have for years to come. Although the final incarnation of the Affordable Care Act will develop over time, its premise of ending healthcare disparities and quality care for all citizens is long overdue.
Despite Trinity's plans to go ahead with work, having developed a five-year plan that lays out what would be accomplished in a certain bracket of time, the truth remains that healthcare does not operate in a vacuum. Trends that emerge in the national market are influenced by legislation, delivery of care, changes in payment methods, and social and economic conditions. Healthcare professionals monitor policy at the national level by reviewing legislative initiatives and analyzing rules and regulations. Understanding healthcare policy helps in facilitating grant reviews and in developing program initiatives,
Healthcare policy is dynamic and ever changing, especially in our society today with the many changes in government control, insurance company influence, and actual delivery of healthcare services. In order to corral our healthcare system and ensure that there is quality control amongst all populations, health policies must be put in place. Health policy is defined as many things due to its dynamic nature but the assigned text expresses a definition that encompasses all aspects of what health policy is for us today, “Authoritative decisions made in the legislative, executive, or judicial branches of government that are intended to direct or influence that actions, behaviors, or decisions of others”(Longest, p. 5, (2010)). Among the many reasons why health policy is pertinent to our society an aspect of health policy that I feel is most important is in regards to public health practices. Health policy is the reason why populations that whom otherwise would not receive the absolute needed healthcare, actually get to receive healthcare. The financial aspect of healthcare is quite steep and more often than not healthcare services are not sought out by populations because they cannot afford to do so. With health policy the policymakers allow for the proper and equal disbursement of goods and services to ensure that everyone is remaining healthy no matter what
US health care expenditures have been rising quickly over the past few years; it has risen more than the national financial system. Nonetheless a number of citizens in the US still lack appropriate health care. If the truth be told, health care expenditures are going to continue to increase; in addition numerous individuals will possibly have to make difficult choices pertaining to their health care. Our health system has grave problems that require reform, through reforming, there is optimism that there will be an increase in affordable health care and high-quality of care for America. Medicaid, Medicare and private sector insurances are all going through trials and tribulations because of
As defined, “Executive orders are official documents through which the President of the United States manages the operations of the federal government. Presidential directives guide the federal rulemaking policy and are signed or authorized by the President” (Tehan CRS). While not specifically described in the Constitution of the United States, every president has used them. Article II of the U.S. Constitution states that “executive power shall be vested in a President of the United States,” and “he shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed.” While Congress is understood to be the primary institution in the policy-making process, ambiguity about the meaning of “executive power” and “faithfully execute” has opened the door for
In order to first start a policy process, the problem for which a policy is to be created must be identified and the policy holding a solution to the problem. Researchers and stakeholders will investigate the problem to identify if the policy will reach the policy making agenda. Policies must be to improve society’s health and wellbeing. In the United States (U.S.) public health related issues that require a formulation of a new policy and come from local, state, or federal legislations which ruling govern the provision of health care services and regulations. In this
Society relies on the criminal justice system to maintain order within communities and to maintain a safe environment for community members. Society expects the criminal justice system to provide justice by separating the guilty from the innocent, to incapacitate dangerous individuals, to promote deterrence to law-breaking individuals, and to rehabilitate offenders. An important expectation of the criminal justice system is to provide fair and just consequences to criminal offenders and assist the offenders with reintegrating into society. Some of the expectations of the criminal justice system are not met
The U.S. health care system is not a centralized control one like other developed countries. Therefore, leaving it very fragmented with many participants having a say about its governance. Health policy which is a set of course of action undertaken pertaining to health care affecting the public health, its financial services, quality care etc. does not escape the multiple governance ( Arriving to one health policy may even be more complex than the delivery of care. Different interest groups like pharmaceutical research, AARP, Physicians, etc. all feel that their issues are what is needed for the advancement of healthcare and the public. Needless to say, that they are many forces influencing health policy. We have the public sector, which is composed of the local, state and federal legislation, court ruling etc. Private sector that is composed of hospitals, agencies, accrediting organizations, health professionals, etc. Last but not least political forces, play even a bigger part in bringing a health policy to life. Thus, bring us to the purpose of this inquiry. How does the legislative process affect health policy and what role does a health professionals play in nurturing a bill into law in the U.S.?
Once a policy has been formulated, it can either be implemented or modified. Most health services are controlled by policies which require that before implementing any policy, the policy must be examined carefully. If the policy does not meet the required criteria, it is modified until it helps in solving a given problem. Sometimes, it is important to change health policies to make sure they are accomplishing what they are supposed to. Makers of these policies, as discussed in the earlier sections of the paper, maybe legislators, federal or state agencies, public or private funders, or service delivery organizations themselves. The health policies in question are those that ensure that citizens receive the best healthcare possible, are cost-effective,
Barriers to changes in health care policy/legislation at the state and federal level can be substantial. Implementation can be affected greatly by the planning process and feedback. “Without adequate planning to address potential barriers, implementation can fail miserably”, Milstead & Short, 2019).
Each branch of the government plays a huge role in the health care industry. There are five elements to policy enactment: impartial decision, accountability, obtaining complete and objective information, applying well-thought out criteria, and deciding on a meticulous and reasonable process. Prior to enacting any health care laws they must take each piece of information and examine it thoroughly. It has to be understood that edicts must undergo a complete process. (Larrat, Marcoux, Vogenberg, (2012),
The Kyoto Protocol was the first step in a comprehensive security program but without the 2 largest world emitters of greenhouse gas - China and US. It was a small and crucial step to combat the issue.