Teachers are in the news almost every day. Sometimes for good reasons and sometimes for bad reasons. One article I found in the news was one about the Head Start law. This law was created by George W. Bush. It required teachers to have a bachelor’s degree with training in early childhood education. 74% of all teachers in the Head Start program have their bachelor’s degree and training in early childhood education. A problem with this back in 2007 was that the law did not fund a college or university to help train the teachers for the program. Today, there are many places where teachers can go to get this training. The program has lessons that help the teachers to boost their skills and knowledge about early childhoods. For younger children
MILLERSBURG — Hoping to breathe new life into the former Holmes County Children's Home, Kno-Ho-Co-Ashland Head Start has its eyes on the now vacant building.
“The education teachers receive isn’t good for anything and that advanced degrees aren’t worth additional compensation like, say, a physician or architect would get. “The field of education is less challenging than other academic concentrations,” it says. (“Are teachers paid too much? - The Washington Post”) According to research many believe that teachers are just paid babysitters. In fact, it is a big debate among the population because many question our teachers and the job that they do. Since some of the population seem to think that teachers are just overpaid babysitters let's give them the pay of a babysitter, give them the benefits that they deserve, and give them the time off
I agree with the opinions in the article, because believe that these sort of programs like Head Start and home-visiting programs for soon-to-be mothers or possible at-risk youth. Head Start is a great program that focuses on early delinquency prevention and the home-visiting programs, also, strive to prevent child abuse, neglect, and other negative factors that could increase the chances of a young child to grow up being a delinquent or criminal (Saminsky, 2010). The only negative I would say about these programs is it seems to end at a young age. The article does explain how the author believes that these programs went to an older age. There can still be influences through the rest of their lives as a minor that can have a negative impact
The schools from poorer towns and cities do not have the financial assets available to them to hire the kind of teachers that schools with more money have the capability to employ.
In the year of 2011, there were 3.2 million teachers who were employed at public schools throughout the nation, which served close to 50 million children in grades kindergarten through twelfth (Feistritzer, 2011). Currently, to be employed as a teacher in the United States, one must obtain a Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited college or university, and be certificated in the state that one wishes to be employed. The certification serves as a teaching credential, which is needed for teachers in all states.
setbacks. In order for one to understand the benefits of the program one must know what
The mission of Petite Genie, is to provide an atmosphere where developmentally appropriate assessment, and active learning is key. Through hard work and play students have the ability to learn at their own pace, and in their own way. We provide a culture that believes that education is fun. Plant your little seedlings on steady educational ground. We will provide an atmosphere that is rich with learning opportunities at every corner, and caters to the different learning styles education is fun, the children of Petit Genie will play with a purpose.
Social policy is a terminology applied to areas within the governmental scenery, which refers to guidelines, principles, activities and legislation that affect the living circumstances conductive to human welfare (Berk 2013). In other words, government sponsored programs like Obama Care and Head Start are social policies enacted to better the living conditions of American citizens. Though social policies are essential and beneficial to the wellbeing of people’s natural laws—moral, ethical, and legal norms by which human conduct is governed in American society—sometimes these policies unknowingly encompass stereotypes and generalities. Specifically speaking, the social policy of Head Start, which aims to promote school readiness in low-income children and equalize or lessen the playing field between themselves and their wealthier counterparts (Office of Head Start). Unfortunately, in my observations over this semester, the social policy of Head Start has fallen to platitudes (Office of Head Start). Not only does Head Start not have resources like desks, blackboards, and sometimes paper, Start program over generalizes the education of children. This generality of children living in poverty has instigated a lack of empathy in the program (Aber 1992). Put differently, no attention is paid to a person’s individuality or temperament.
According to the state report card, Salem Elementary School’s socioeconomic status of students is strongly high in poverty. Correspondingly, all of the students enrolled in Salem also have some type of economic disadvantage. As discussed in our EDTE 2020 class, high poverty areas tend to have teachers “with less experience”, who do not have “proper certification”, or who have a “high turnover rate”. This is the complete opposite at Salem, as it’s stated on the report card that all teachers have a bachelor and a master’s degree, with over 72% of teachers being
Head Start is a federally funded, education development program that was created in 1965. The program provides education and services for eligible children from low-income families. Head Start 's philosophy focuses on the development of social-emotional, physical and mental health, nutrition, and working with families and the community and stated “low-income people should help plan and run their own programs” (p. 41-42). Head Start has truly expanded their resources over the years by providing a full school year for ages 3-6 years old and offering services such as health screenings, referrals, and social services (p. 42). Most importantly, each and every Head Start program must follow the federal Head Start Program Performace Standards that address all areas of development (p. 42). The program is truly committed to support low-income families and creating an education system that supports all aspects of the child.
The low pay for our educators is causing many negative effects. New York Times shows that the low income is causing sixty-two percent of teachers to have a second job outside of their teaching jobs. Just to have enough money to support their families and make ends meet. Most everyone decides to college to prevent having these struggles with money, and to avoid having to work multiple jobs, when they get older; however, not when it comes to living off of only a teacher’s income, the struggles to have enough money are interminable. This low pay is also causing most teachers to retire, and find new jobs. New York Times states, “every year 20 percent of teachers in urban districts quit. Nationwide, 46 percent of teachers quit before their fifth year. The turnover costs the
The new changes No Child Left Behind laws were passed earlier in 2010 stresses the importance of education has to be our main concern to ensure that our children are getting quality education. The legislation is called “Performance Counts,” It reevaluates tenure laws and evaluation. This means that teachers are evaluated and being laid off because of their performance in the classrooms. No matter how long the teacher has been in his/her position that still wouldn’t keep them in their position because of their low performance. Over the next 10 years the focus will be to prepare hundreds of new teachers in STEM science, technology, engineering, and math (Mclatchy, 2010). The program is to encourage students in the STEM field or alternative teacher certification programs to switch their careers if they choose to. For
- Nicklaus has showed improvement with the “first/then” cues. He continues to struggle with transitions, especially with getting dressed. Mom dresses Nicklaus for time reasons.
Most politicians believe teachers are not motivated and part of the problem. In my opinion growing up most of my teachers were motivated however, the lack of funds and over crowding were bigger stumbling blocks to me getting an education. It is no secret that being a teacher will not make you rich but. In Canada and the United States, most teachers with a four-year degree earn about $40K. I believe most teachers enter that profession to help students go on to lead productive lives.
First of all, applicants are opting out of becoming teachers because of the stress and strain it puts on their life. Teachers do not get enough credit for how much work they do between grading papers, dealing with multiple personalities a day, and the amount of disrespect they encounter it is hard even beginning to imagine. Additionally, financial stress can be found in teachers across the country. The low wages of becoming an educator are forcing teachers to get second jobs just to make ends meet. According to Alia Wong, an education writer for the Atlantic News, countless stories have been told about professionals who have awards and recognition for the work they do in their district,