I am doing this apppeal because I have contacted my teacher, explaining that I missed the final and wanted to take it, only to be told that she would not do it because it would mean she would have to rewrite the hole exam. Which I don't understand why she would have to rewrite exam because it is a online exam. This past semester I have taken 6 classes and worked a full time job that requires me to work from 11 pm to 8 am in the morning and I still go to class after I get off work. I have an internship in another city as well as a offer from a university. I am on a timelimit and hoping that the commity will meet in a earlier date.
I was wondering if you could contact the residents in 1103 about their two dogs barking?
M3: Discuss the care strategies that can be used to support individuals with each physiological disorder.
One of our branch goals for DBR 2017 deliveries is to maintain procedures inventory and perform annual audit. I wanted you to review procedures of the desk that you are working on. You are required to perform this task quarterly. Below are dates that our procedures are assigned to your names.
For example, when inflating basketballs, you will need to follow some guidelines for inflation pressure e.g. different ages must have different hardness of balls to maintain.
When in a health and social care environment, there are always strategies and procedures in place which will help individuals to be at minimal risk of abuse. However there needs to be specific procedures in place that will help decrease any amount of risk.
Reporting of Injuries,Diseases and dangerous occurrences regulations of 1995 requires the reporting of work-related accidents, diseases and dangerous occurrences. The Act applies to all work related activities, but not to all work related incidents. The objective of the regulations is to enable the enforcing authorities to identify where and how risks arise and to investigate serious accidents so as to prevent them from occurring in the future and thus providing a safer work environment. The enforcing authorities can then help and advise you on preventive action to reduce injury, ill health and accidental loss,the main points of our own policy that relate to this are:
In this report I will be describing different patterns of ill health and who and how they are monitored. I will also try to explain different factors that affect our health, not only now but I will try to discuss how different factors fight effect our health in the future, I will then evaluate the influence of the government have on factors that affect ill health.
For example Celiac Disease, Celiac disease is a disorder caused by a sensitivity to gluten.
I work closely with my team ensuring that all staff are treated with respect and encouraging them to develop their own skills and knowledge whilst sharing their experiences with colleagues.
No Secrets – Guidance published by the Department of Health, builds upon the governments respects for human rights and highlights the need to protect vulnerable adults through effective multi-agency work.
M1- Discuss how policies and procedures help children, young people and their families whilst the child is being looked after.
The most important legislation that relates to social care settings is The Health and Safety Act 1974 this ensures that the employer has a good level of safety in the work place. Other regulations are : COSHH – The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulation 2002. Insure all chemical substances and medications are locked away securely and the right protective equipment is provided. Manual Handling regulation 1992 – requires all employers to provide risk assessments on all manual handling tasks that may cause injuries. RIDDOR –
Health and social care teams are subject to regular supervision and annual individual performance reviews. As support workers, we need to be able to consider how we can relate to service users and be able to assess our team working strengths and weaknesses. The manager is responsible for setting the goals and objectives for all staff members. Than we have individual objectives, for each staff member, as well as team objectives. We must be able to understand and agree our shared goals and be able to 'picture' the vision or targets we are trying to achieve.
Discrimination has no place in a fair society, which values all its members and the principles and values which drive Evedale require us to treat everyone fairly based on their needs, whatever their disability. The Equality Act The Act places new duties on organisations and individuals to treat individuals fairly through ending discrimination and promoting equality. Alongside the other “protected characteristics”, such as race, gender, disability etc, the Act for the first time bans discrimination in the provision of services and introduces a duty on public bodies to promote equality, including disability equality. Work on disability equality has informed my existing work programme to address inequalities, and has helped with adopting the
This is for individuals who are lacking the mental capacity and need somebody else to help them manage their legal, financial and health problems. The mental capacity act therefore made it legal so that those who are unable to make their own decisions have the ability to choose somebody who they feel they can trust to help manage their finances, properties and to help make their health and welfare decision. This is done through the power of attorney. This act links to individuals who suffer with dementia as within the late stages of dementia they will need to give someone the power of attorney due to the fact that they will not be able to manage their legal financial and health problems.