After taking the health assessment quiz I score horribly but nothing that can be fix which the result informs me that I am making some unhealthy choices. Throughout my life I have not been making the best choices possible in terms of what to eat and of doing physical activity. I know that I can change all that from by changing the types of food I eat and at least going out and walk. This year I have decided to enroll myself in a cycling class twice a week in order to be more active. From time to time during cycling class I get tired or it becomes difficult to continued but I just keep going and push through all the pain in order to be stronger.
M2 – Discuss the factors likely to influence current and future patterns of health in the UK
(D1) Evaluate the influence of government on factors that contribute to the current patterns of health and illness in the UK –
I believe the two most important guidelines are chapter 6,Helping Americans Make Healthy Choices, and increasing our consumption of vegetables, fruits, and calcium, discussed in Chapter 4. If we continue to help Americans make healthy choices, and make those choices visible to communities, we might be able to get more people physical active and therefore have a healthier country. Increasing consumptions of vegetables, fruit, and calcium will reduce your risk of many chronic diseases, stroke, cancer, and diabetes. Calcium, fruits, and vegetables make your body stronger and maintain your body, without them your body becomes weak.
Three specific benefits that exercise plays in my fight against cancer are improved mood, improved self-esteem, and decreased body fat. All of these things are very important to my health and wellness. Luckily, with enough exercise each day my body will continue to benefit from not only these three things but many others. On the diet and cancer exercise I scored an 11 for the 3 days combined but did not score the goal amount for women each day. This is not good because I should be getting the recommended amounts of cancer fighting fruits and vegetables each day. On the skin cancer risk assessment I scored a nine which means I am at a very high risk of developing skin cancer from UV radiation. I am constantly in the sun in the summer. I work
Assessment did not reveal any significant areas of concern or need for immediate physician visit.
Most illnesses in the United States today are based in life style choices. Many people choose to live in unhealthy lifestyle such as smoking, using drugs, eating unhealthy foods, and not exercising regularly. These can cause anyone to have a chronic disease. If this is the case then individuals who contribute to their own poor health should pay more for health care than those who have practiced a healthy life style. We all know that medical cost is very expensive in here. Even though we pay for our health care, it does not cover all of the cost. We still have to take out money from our pocket to pay for the medical bills anytime we visit a doctor. The only way to take care of our own life is improving our lifestyle choices one by one, rather
The patient denies shortness of breath or recent chest pain. The patient states he currently takes Coreg and Aspirin daily.
HLTH 300 also provided knowledge about health promotion, which can be viewed as “the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health” (WHO, 2016b, “Health Promotion”). Health promotion focuses on improving the SDHs for population groups through advocating for better economic and social conditions, increasing equal opportunities for all individuals to achieve optimal health and well-being, and coordinating action among various sectors, such as health, non-profit, and government (WHO, 1986). Non-profit organizations like ICA who focus on helping immigrants and refugees, often concurrently commit efforts to helping newcomers settle in their new environments, and building and improving their social
In this section, I will be explaining why the American health care system’s exorbitant spending does not result in the expected quality of care.
The Personal Health Assessment, was pretty objective in my view. The questions ask about your life and habits that view everyone from the same vantage point. That’s to say everyone is a healthy, happy, active person. It doesn’t take into consideration if you have food allergies and can’t eat whole grains, fruits, certain meats or fish. Or that while dealing with some of these health issues you are too exhausted to go to the gym multiple times a day/ week, not to mention your outlook on the world. I feel like if the tests could be more broad of open ended there could be a more accurate outcome. I know though that, you make a situation, what it’s going to be by the way you approach it. Whereas, Assessing Your Wellness, was very subjective in the way it asked for your input. It also felt less weighed in that you got to choose how socially, financially, mentally, and emotionally aware you were.
The epidemiologic study “a study that compares two groups of people who are alike except for one factor, such as exposure to a chemical or the presence of a health effect; the investigators try to determine if any factor is associated with the health effect” (McGraw-Hill 2002), any theory or occurrence requires that the point under investigation be defined and measured. A key challenge is to determine the long-term nature of health choices interventions, which makes it difficult to obtain rational solutions to America obesity problems. Some argue that the only acceptable method regulates food with labels. What counts as evidence to effectively promote healthier Americans?
I began to slack off on my exercising, being that I could already lift a great deal more than any of my friends, not to mention I had gained an additional five pounds bringing my total weight gain to twenty pounds. Adding even more difficultly to maintaining my exercise routine, I took on a career as a traveling salesman, requiring me work long days and living out of hotels most of the year. I also continued in poor eating, abuse alcohol, and sleep for only a few hours a night. Over the next two years of irregular and undedicated exercise, I had lost ten pounds and nearly all my strength. I began to notice my life style had suddenly taking a toll on my overall health, sending me to the emergency room on several occasions. I soon realized that I needed to make a change in my life style or it was going to destroy me. I again turned to exercise for the answers I needed to make the change. I had heard many times before, while talking to other people who worked out, that it is very important to eat healthy, get enough sleep, and avoid alcohol if I wanted to see results from exercising. I was always quick to brush off advice like this, because I seemed to be making progress without following such strict rules, but I knew now that I need to make a change. I set out to achieve a healthy life style and began to use exercise as a source of
A case study was undertaken to demonstrate the impact of health and illness of a person. It demonstrates the overall beliefs and
Did you know that diet can be related to about 60% of all cancer cases? ("How Does My Diet Affect My Health?.") Did you know that 7,300 people die in the U.S. alone because of second hand smoke, even though they were nonsmokers? ( "Health Effects of Secondhand Smoke.") Finally, did you know that if you drink one 12-ounce can of soda everyday for a year, by the end of that year you will have consumed a total of about 35 pounds of sugar? ("Just One Soda Per Day.") Sounds scary, doesn’t it? Lifestyle choices affect your overall health.
My target population for my functional medicine-based detox protocol would be for fellow crossfit members since we dedicate so much time and energy in the gym trying to achieve peak performance on a daily basis. I know quite a few of my fellow crossfit members are killing it in the gym every day, if not multiple times daily, but they aren’t seeing the results they should be, therefore, I believe something is off, most likely their diet and a detoxification diet my help them establish the “look” they are trying to achieve and quite possibly improve performance.