
Health Belief Model Essay

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Health belief model is the theory, which I am planned to use in developing the intervention for the program of my key assignment. The health belief module theory is most suitable for my key assignment because of this useful concept and very close to my chosen health problem that is HIV/AIDS. The HBM was first founded in the 1950s by social psychologists Hochbaum, Rosenstock and Kegels working in the U.S. Public Health Services. This theory mainly attempts to explain and predict the health behaviors of individuals. Even though in the case HIV/AIDS, the person takes at most preventive measures and tools to come up from that health problem. Every people try to adapt the health behaviors which make sure them to free from …show more content…

Perceived barriers are the most potent single analyst and the slightest is perceived severity.

Concept Condom Use Education Example
1.Perceived Susceptibility Young people believe they can get STIs or HIV or create a pregnancy.
2. Perceived Severity Young people believe that the consequences of getting STIs or HIV or creating a pregnancy are significant enough to try to avoid.
3. Perceived Benefits Young people believe that the recommended action of using condoms would protect them from getting STIs or HIV or creating a pregnancy.
4. Perceived Barriers Young people identify their personal barriers to using condoms (i.e., condoms limit the feeling or they are too embarrassed to talk to their partner about it) and explore ways to eradicate or decrease these barriers (i.e., teach them to put lubricant inside the condom to increase sensation for the male and have them practice condom communication skills to reduce their embarrassment level).
5. Cues to Action Young people receive reminder cues for action in the form of incentives (such as pencils with the printed message "no glove, no love") or reminder messages (such as messages in the school

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