Cultural issues, ethics and ethical responsibilities in the American health care system have been the focus of critical discussion and the contemporary findings have forced health care leaders to meritoriously reflect not only on leadership attitudes, policy and practice but on the nature and rectitude of their profession. We must continuously reassess the theoretical and practical approaches that will influence health care practices as we look to the twenty-first century and beyond. With the aim of leaders in the health care system must navigate the new frontier, critically discussing and reflecting on diverse perspectives, inspiring critical reflective and thoughtful deliberations on both current and future provision of the art in administering
Home: The idea of home plays an important role in identity. The author loved to describe the various details of the town he grew up in with a great sense of longing. The things he learned about growing up in his community, religious and social, gave him dreams finding a united homeland for his people as a child. These dreams translate well later into the story when he speaks of his family and home with a great sense of longing.
Identify and explain two ethical issues/dilemmas in healthcare as identified and discussed in the scholarly literature (ProQuest, EBSCO,
A philosophy of an organization helps differentiate themselves from their competitors and set a foundation for future success. It also helps shape an organization by presenting the goals they want to accomplish with specific activities. To improve this, many organizations understand the important of sharing values and goals and realize employee recognition. This helps staff from moving forward toward success of the organizations. Chapter 4 introduces “Codes of Ethics in Health Services.” Code of ethics is a guideline for healthcare professionals to accomplish and serve as a member of a society. Similar to other professions, managers have their own code of ethics in maintaining their duties and responsibilities. They also use the codes for ethical decision-making in dealing with ethical issues. Chapter 5 deals with “Organizational Responses to Ethical Issues.” It provides assistance for managers and organizations in their decision making. It is manager’s duty to figure out the problem and resolve it (Darr, 2011,
Traditional research is a form of research that focuses on a systematic approach. Traditional research examines the qualitative and quantitative in research. Traditional research includes data about the group, the problem and how to address the problem. Traditional research does not incorporate the population environment factors and society factors in the research, which limits the understanding of different factors that causes the population to face oppression.
Overall, the health of Americans has improved over the past several decades. However, there is still an inconsistency between the health of various racial groups, minorities, and Caucasians (Cook, Kosoko-Lasaki, & O'Brien, R., 2005). Bakullari et al. (2014) report that specific research related to patient safety and racial and ethnic differences in HAIs is also lacking. As a result of these discrepancies, Bakullari et al. (2014) implemented a study to determine the rate and occurrence of HAIs in six specific racial/ethnic groups (white non-Hispanic, black non-Hispanic, Asian, Hispanic, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, and other). What they found was that Hispanic and Asian populations had a significantly higher occurrence of HAIs than white non-Hispanic populations (Bakullari et al., 2014).
Cultural flaws that are within the healthcare community have increased and are increasingly showing up. This has been seen as excessive mental attitude, decreased respect for healthcare consumers and their right to participate in choices regarding their care and compliance regarding poor practice. These factors contribute to an image that leads the general public to believe that most doctors place their own interest first before considering the patient’s needs.
Nurses are constantly challenged by changes which occur in their practice environment and are under the influence of internal or external factors. Due to the increased complexity of the health system, nowadays nurses are faced with ethical and legal decisions and often come across dilemmas regarding patient care. From this perspective a good question to be raised would be whether or not nurses have the necessary background, knowledge and skills to make appropriate legal and ethical decisions. Even though most nursing programs cover the ethical and moral issues in health care, it is questionable if new nurses have the depth of knowledge and understanding of these issues and apply them in their practice
I blew the whistle in this situation when the lack of ethical care for residents and work ethics fell short of the normal standards. As a care provider one must always be aware of that the dignity of the client when it comes to their care. I return to my regular position after three months of working graveyards to find that the residents were being brought to the dining room in the hospital gowns. There was no regard for the resident’s dignity. Their backs were exposed and often the gown was exposing their chest. No one took in count how the resident must feel going into the dining room so exposed. The staff could of a least put on clothing over top of the gown or a sweater to hide what they were wearing. And use a lap blanket so they
Teamwork- It has been found that relying too heavily on health information technology (IT) for communication can reduce teamwork (Yoder-Wise, 2011, p. 215). With the availability of information on the internet and computer software, nurses do not need to rely on co-workers or physicians for information. According to Yoder-Wise (2011), IT “will never eliminate the need for personal communication and teamwork” (p. 215).
The ethical dilemma I encountered at my placement involves a male in his late-sixties, who has recently suffered a stroke. Mr. A’s situation is unique as he has been unable to speak and his cognitive abilities have declined since. The Fraser Health agency protocol is to contact the patient’s family to determine who would be the temporary substitute decision makers (“Information for temporary substitute,” 2015). The health care consent and care facility admission act describes how decisions are to be made if a patient is determined incapable (Nidus Personal Planning Resource Centre, 2012). The next steps required liaising with the home health team in the community to determine if Mr. A had ever listed any family members as his emergency contacts.
While visiting my mother in the hospital this past weekend, I was a witness to an event that was quite unsettling. A homeless gentleman, who looked to be about 35 years old, was asked to pay $150 upfront for medical services due to his lack of insurance. The man informed the medical assistant that he was homeless and did not have the funds, to which the assistant responded that no services would be rendered without pay and turned the man away. The man stated that he was experiencing continuous chest pains, which could be an early symptom of a more serious condition. However due to his lack of funds and the fact that he was uninsured he was not permitted to be seen by the doctor.
When I first joined a surgical practice in the 90’s. I was brought in under a unique model. Most established practices at the time, would hire a new physician as an employee and after a set amount of time, allowed the physician to buy into the practice for a large dollar amount making them a full partner. I was hired with the guarantee that after one year I would be made a partner and receive my stock certificate to the limited liability corporation (LLC) for $1. During the first 2 years may bass salary was less than my partners to make up for the decrease productivity of a new doctor and the increased overhead associated with a practice start up. Some may consider this a buy in of some degree. Above our base compensation, each member
Ethics pertains to actions that are morally right and acceptable. In a broader sense, ethics is the foundation for legalistic matters that pertain to human rights, safety and well- being. The United States Constitution strongly endorses the rights of citizens. The aim of the Government and is to create the kind of society in which citizens are free to exercise their rights, especially with regard to matters of personal safety and health. Ethical principles govern different aspects of the society and the health sector is no exception.
Propaganda is everywhere. There are several examples of intense propaganda campaigns from the past, notably from WWII, where the citizens of a nation were led into supporting the current regime, no matter what the situation was. Although a heavy influx of propaganda is created during wartime, it is definitely still present during times of peace. The tactics that these nations used are eerily similar to those that modern businesses use to persuade potential customers into buying their products. Both businesses and propagandists use conniving tactics such as distorting information and exploitation of fear to affect their target audiences. Due to this exploitation of people, modern advertising uses the same psychological manipulation as notable propaganda campaigns from today and the past.
Ethical issues and concerns are ever-abundant in the field of helping professionals with never just one way to answer them. The most popular response is most likely, “It depends”. Some of the main issues are somewhat cut-and-dried such as confidentiality, documentation, referrals, and multiple relationships. For these, you learn the do’s and the don’ts, and when you can or you can’t. The primary obstacle I foresee for me is contending with the changing methodologies for delivering mental healthcare. The trends Cormier, Nurius, and Osborn (2009) introduce imply that “fewer and larger managed care organizations” are attempting to ‘streamline’ how human behavior and its subsequent care is supplied (p. 41).