
Health Care Reflection

Decent Essays

The patient I cared for today, was admitted into the NICU on October 17th. He was experiencing respiratory distress, has breathed (aspirated) meconium into the lungs around the time of birth. The neonate had stabilized, so the nurse and I were preparing for the family to discharge from the hospital. The immediate needs that were verbalized by the patient were hunger cries and soiled diaper/ angry cries. Immediate needs from the family were instruction on how much formula to feed the baby and circumcision care once discharged home. During my clinical experience, the patient experienced pain from the circumcision process. The health care team members alleviated the physical suffering by administrating lidocaine pain medication and giving the baby sugar water. I think the only improvement that I would make to these interventions would be to administer the lidocaine earlier so that it could be more effective in the patient’s pain management. Long term needs for the patient were speech therapy in order to improve the baby’s feeding technique, infection prevention, and teaching measures for the parents. The needs could be met through referral to a speech therapist upon discharge from the hospital, teaching family members proper handwashing, and educating parents on subject matters.
The healthcare team interacted with the patient and family in an excellent fashion. They utilized the teach back method when educating parents about infant care, used compassionate care, and used open

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