Research Consultants, Incorporated is a prestigious consulting firm that has had the privilege of working with thousands of clients over the years. As a senior member of this firm I have researched many products, but I specialize in health club research. It is my specialty because of my background as a gym owner and trainer. For these reasons, I have been assigned Mrs. Carmen Diego’s case. She is new to town and has her hands full running her high-end fashion boutique in Towne Center. She is also married with two children, named Angelina and Carl, who are both under the age of 5. Because she is so busy, she tasked RCI with finding the best health club for her. My client has many specifications listed and I intend to find the best fit for her.
The Independent Health foundation is a non-profit organization that most people confuse with just independent health itself, but it is completely different. Their objective is to create a healthier community for all people in western New York. The Independent Health Foundation does this by supplying support and resources to all people who are in need of them. Something that they stress to their followers is that “a healthy community is something everyone can benefit from” (Independent Health Foundation).
The FDA home page provides a wealth of information on all aspects of the drug, biologic and medical device approval processes, Radiation emitting instrument, animal and veterinary product, cosmetics and tobacco products to protect the human subjects.
Obesity was significantly more prevalent amongst female African Americans in this community. With the highest rate affecting women between the ages of 45 to 64. Obesity was also higher amongst Black females who’s educational attainment was lower
Every year the step team does a performance during the Health Fair. This year we wanted to try something different, so we decided to teach steps to children from the area. Most of our steps are elite and very tedious to learn so we had to figure out what steps would be appropriate to teach without the children losing interest. Originally, we started with three kids who are siblings of one of my teammates. Later on in the day, after the drill team performed, some of drill team members came over to learn a couple of step moves, along with a couple of girls from the dancing school.
The Health Science Scholars is a program that is full of opportunities for students looking to go into the health field such as myself. I personally have a drive to learn about public health and medicine in general. I have an interest in doing research and I feel as if the Health Science Scholars program will allow me do to so. I specifically have an interest in doing research in mental health, as I know mental illnesses and healthcare are an extremely complex and prevalent issue in today’s world. HSS would give me the opportunity to do research and work closely with faculty members since UT-Austin has an abundance of resources and research projects that do diverse studies such as the Texas Institute for Mental Health. I am interested in learning
The data found was from Washington States Health Youth Survey Online Analysis in 2014 for 12th graders. “The Health Youth Survey is a collaborative effort of the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, the Department of Health, the Department of Social and Health Service’s Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery, the Liquor and Cannabis Board, and the Department of Commerce. They provide important survey results about health of adolescents in Washington.” (1) The Health Youth Survey question on race/ethnicity asks “How do you describe yourself?” which is broken down into American Indian of Alaskan native, Asian or Asian American/Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, Black or African-American, Hispanic or Latina/Latina, White or Caucasian, and More than one selected/Other. For the lifetime cigarette smoking, just a puff question asks is “Have you ever smoked a cigarette, even just a puff?” which is answered by a yes or no.
Disease prevention should be the center thoughts to everyone and more specifically the healthcare providers. The nurses and the nurse practitioners should promote a preventive measure to all patients that they have seen on a daily basis. We as NPs should be proactive in promoting health care promotions in the community that we are living. “Increasing the focus on prevention in our communities will help improve America's health, quality of life and prosperity” (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014, 2). Promoting health care promotion requires some sort of good strategic to attend many people possible. One of the best ways the healthcare professionals can promote their patients how to prevent themselves from certain types of disease
We will be examining substance abuse among adolescents in Orange County (OC) and assessing the contributing factors and different interventions currently offered. Adolescent substance abuse is difficult to identify because, unlike diseases, there are generally no physical manifestations. Therefore, proper education and resources geared towards at-risk adolescents must effectively address the underlying contributors of substance abuse. National statistics generally suggest that poverty is directly related to substance abuse. However, Courtney Perkes, a writer for the Orange County Register, notes that wealth is associated with substance abuse among teens, especially those living “in south Orange County and
Only 15-40 % of the population in the U.S. are health literate (Kirk et al. 2012) and 14% of the total adult population have below basic/functional literacy. Of the total adult population with basic health literacy skills, 14 % of the population are men and 16% of the population are
The specific health promotion topic in this paper is childhood obesity. Obesity is defined as a body mass index equivalent or greater than 95th percentile of a child's body weight. Obesity identifies biologically those children who will later in life develop comorbidities, such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and muskoskeletal problems. This health promotion topic is chosen because of the recent epidemics and prevalence of childhood obesity. The prevalence of obesity in childhood is a big concern because of its adverse consequences in the short and long term. According to World Health Organization (WHO), the rise in childhood obesity for the past ten years has been very alarming. It was noted that Overweight and obesity now rank as the
Shedding light on how health literacy and patient empowerment impacts medication adherence has profound implications for further research, the clinical practice as well as for health policy making. Let me briefly outline some of the potential contributions of the outcomes of this research project in the next
Outcomes Tools. Health promotion has countless significance when it relates to the healthcare profession, especially in patients diagnosed with pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes. A measurement tool to evaluate the health promotion behaviors is DMHP. The DMHP scale was created by Chia-Pei, Yun-Shing, Hsu-Huei, Hsiao-Yun, and Mei-Yen (2013) to measure health promoting behaviors in patients diagnosed with diabetes. The DMHP scale has been shown to be reliable and valid with a context validity index of 0.97 and an internal consistency cronbach’s alpha coefficient of 0.90.
The reason why I feel that being a Health Administrator is a good fit for me is because I love helping people. When I first started working for the arc of Monroe I knew one day I wanted to make this a career.At first, I wasn’t exactly sure what career I wanted in the health care field. So, I decided to talk to my counselor at Monroe community college. My counselor then advised me to take a career/ personality test where they match your personality with careers. After completing
A systematic process that involves in the development and well established approaches to understanding the needs of a local population is called needs assessment. In order to describe the health problems related to a populations it involves three methods. This methods that are involved are epidemiological, qualitative, and comparative (Wright 1998). For example a health needs assessment is a systematic process that involves evaluating the health problems of population. In analyzing a health needs assessment involves by first identifying the inequalities of health care system and access to health care and by identifying ways the majority can benefit from health care.
The Women’s Health Issues course this semester have been interesting and informative. I gained great perspective on health topics affecting women’s health status and ways biological and social factors put women at a higher stake for health issues. One of the most important thing I am taking away from this class is the importances of understanding women’s health, as a Public Health student women’s health has been a topic of interest for a long time. Coming from a developing country where many women grapple with health issues from discrimination and prescribed roles, it has been important for me to take this class and to have better understanding on health disparities that exist globally between women and men. In the following paragraphs I